Onion and Garlic: Cancer’s Natural Nemeses

A traditional Chinese medicine cancer expert shares how to use these kitchen staples to fight cancer, as well as four cancer-prone constitutions.

Onions and garlic are popular foods used almost daily for seasoning, but their underlying efficacy against cancer is often overlooked. Chen Bosheng, a cancer specialist at Taiwan’s Jinghe Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic, shared the anti-cancer effects of onions and garlic and the best way to eat them to reap their benefits on NTDTV’s “Health 1+1” program. He also shared how traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) approaches are fighting cancer.

Chen said that according to TCM, medicine and food share the same origin, and the spicy characteristic found in certain foods and herbs affects the lungs. As a result, spicy ingredients such as onions and garlic can effectively stimulate lung energy, promote blood circulation, and help regulate the stagnation of qi and blood, allowing for smoother flow.

The smooth flow of qi and blood is one of the key foundations for maintaining good health. In TCM, “qi” refers to the energy or vital force that sustains life, while “blood” is a general term for the substances that nourish the body. An imbalance or deficiency in qi and blood may lead to illnesses and other health issues.

4 Groups at High Risk of Cancer

Based on his past clinical observations, Chen summarized the following four types of constitutions prone to cancer:
  1. Qi Stagnation and Blood Stasis: Lack of regular exercise and prolonged stress can affect the endocrine system, leading to poor qi and blood circulation. This imbalance may also increase the risk of developing cancer.
  2. Deficiency of Spleen and Stomach: This deficiency is characterized by poor digestion and absorption, resulting in insufficient nutritional intake. Malnutrition affects the normal functioning of various organs and systems, including the immune system, thereby reducing the body’s defense capabilities and increasing the risk of cancer.
  3. Liver Qi Stagnation: People who experience mood swings, get angry easily, ruminate, and have poor sleep quality are more at risk. Depression and lack of sleep will affect the detoxification function of the liver, leading to the accumulation of toxins in the body and increasing the risk of cancer.
  4. Innate Physique: Some people are more genetically susceptible to certain cancers. Chen suggested that this group should strive to improve immunity to reduce cancer risk.
Phytochemicals are protective substances in plants that are helpful against external environmental adversities such as viruses, fungi, and bacterial infections. They can function as antioxidants or prevent the formation of carcinogens.
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Chen said that organic sulfides are one category of phytochemicals. Allicin and sulforaphane are common organic sulfides. When raw garlic is chopped or crushed and then eaten, it releases allicin, which can help shorten the duration of colds. Sulforaphane can also help activate the liver’s detoxification function and provide anti-cancer effects.
A 2016 review of studies showed that onions and garlic have anti-cancer properties and can help prevent stomach, colorectal, and, to some extent, esophageal cancer.
The review mentioned that studies on the mechanism involved in these anti-cancer properties have proven that the sulfur-containing compounds in garlic and onions can change the biological behavior of tumors and their microenvironments. Onion and garlic extracts, for example, can reduce the formation of nitrosamines, potential dietary carcinogens. The components of onions and garlic can also inhibit the proliferation of various cancer cells by delaying cell cycle progression and inducing cell death. Onions and garlic also contain antioxidant compounds with free radical scavenging properties and may have immunomodulatory effects.

The Best Way to Eat Onions and Garlic

Chen said that to bring out the active ingredients in onions and garlic, one must keep the following in mind:
  • Do not fry onions and garlic. Eating them raw is best if you can handle it because many phytochemicals decompose or lose their effects at high temperatures. Most phytochemicals may be destroyed during heating above 160 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • If you cannot eat them raw, do not cook them at a high temperature for a long time. Fry or steam them quickly to retain more of the nutrients.
  • When eating garlic and onions, cut them into small pieces and leave them for about 10 minutes to allow them to come into contact with the air, enhancing the production of more beneficial organic sulfides. Store them in a cool and ventilated place. Refrigeration is not recommended.

How Does TCM Fight Cancer?

TCM has a long history of treating cancer. The diagnosis and treatment of tumors are discussed in classical TCM literature, such as “The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon.” Chen shared with us the following Chinese medicinal herbs commonly used in TCM to fight cancer:
  • Ganoderma Lucidum: This is also called reishi mushroom. It contains polysaccharides, which can enhance the activity of white blood cells and improve the immune system. Research shows that Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides have immense anti-cancer effects. Chen shared a case involving a breast cancer patient who had been battling the disease for five or six years and was advised to use polysaccharides to increase her white blood cell count. About two weeks later, a blood test showed that her white blood cell count had risen from 3,400 to 4,800. The number of anti-cancer lymphocytes had also increased.
  • Salvia Miltiorrhiza: Because the body dispatches white blood cells, it needs increased support from better blood circulation. Poor blood circulation can raise the risk of cancer. Salvia miltiorrhiza (also known as red sage or danshen) can improve blood circulation, help reduce inflammation, and inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
  • Coptis Chinensis: Also known as Chinese goldthread, this herb clears heat, detoxifies, and reduces inflammation. If cancer cells have reached a certain size, they will cause inflammation. Coptis can be used to fight local inflammation, reduce tumors, and gradually eliminate them, according to cell studies. Chen emphasized that not everyone should use Coptis. If the body has evident inflammation during radiotherapy and chemotherapy, Coptis can be used to clear heat and help detoxify. However, it is not suitable for use if the patient’s mucosal damage is severe.
Some of the herbs mentioned above may sound unfamiliar, but many can be found in health food and Asian grocery stores. However, since everyone’s body constitution differs, one should consult a health care professional or TCM practitioner for specific treatment plans.