Four Simple Food Choices That Help You Lose Weight and Stay Healthy

Four Simple Food Choices That Help You Lose Weight and Stay Healthy
Illustration Andreasnikolas/Shutterstock, Caimacanul/iStock

It’s difficult to lose weight. And it’s even harder to keep it off. Many people achieve short-term weight-loss only to return to their previous lifestyle choices—and their previous weight—over time. This can lead to yo-yo-ing between weight loss and weight gain.

One of the problems is that weight-loss diets aren’t sustainable. They leave dieters feeling hungry and aren’t giving them the essential nutrients they need to maintain their long-term health.

But certain food choices can promote weight loss and provide the nutrients you need to function well and thrive. These four food choices are a good place to start.

1. Whole Grains Help Us Feel Full

Many of us choose bread as part of our lunchtime meal. Switching from white to whole grain bread for your sandwich can help you feel full for longer, so you’re likely to eat less during the following meal.

The whole grain is made up of three major parts: the bran, endosperm, and germ. This structure helps some of the energy to escape during the digestive process, leading to the body absorbing fewer calories.

Whole grains help protect against chronic diseases including heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and some cancers. The grains exert their benefits by regulating bowel function through increased fecal bulk and by feeding healthy gut bacteria.
Whole grains are easy to include in a weight-loss diet. In addition to bread, they can also be found in oats for breakfast, or popcorn for a snack.

2. Colorful Veggies Provide a Range of Nutrients

Vegetables are full of essential nutrients including folate, vitamin C, various B vitamins, potassium, and fiber. They are also low in energy, providing approximately 24 to 84 calories per 100g.
When trying to lose weight, people tend to eat greater quantities of vegetables, but they don’t tend to choose a wide variety of vegetables beyond those they normally eat.
To aid weight loss, make sure you’re getting a high proportion of your calories from vegetables and try to have as many different colors on your plate as you can.
If you feel like you don’t have time to cook, frozen vegetables are a quick and easy option, and they are just as nutritious as fresh vegetables.
Vegetables contain essential nutrients including potassium, folate, and fiber. (Hermes Rivera)
Vegetables contain essential nutrients including potassium, folate, and fiber. Hermes Rivera

3. Snack on Nuts

When trying to lose weight, high-fat foods are often the first to go. But while nuts are generally high in fat and related calories, they are also high in fiber, helping us to feel full for longer
Nuts contain a number of beneficial vitamins and minerals for our health including healthy fats, protein, various B vitamins, zinc, magnesium, and other minerals. Eating nuts has been shown to be beneficial in reducing the risk of heart disease and managing Type 2 diabetes.
We’re also beginning to realize we don’t absorb all the calories from nuts when we eat them. In fact, research suggests we absorb up to 30 percent less fat from nuts than we originally thought.
Try eating a handful of nuts (around an ounce) as a snack or adding them to your meals throughout the day.

4. Quench Your Thirst With Water

Listening to your hunger and thirst signals can make a big difference when trying to lose weight.
Throughout the day, our bodily signals for thirst may be greater than our feelings of hunger. When you think you’re hungry, see if you are actually thirsty by having a glass of water first.

If you’re used to reaching for a soft drink or cordial rather than water, start the switch slowly. Replace half of each glass you drink with water and increase the water component over time. Eventually, your preferences will shift.

Our bodies need water for fluid balance, body temperature regulation, cognitive performance, as well as gastrointestinal, kidney and heart function. Drinking plenty of water also improves the complexion of the skin and can reduce the likelihood of getting headaches.
Hungry? Or could you be thirsty? (Shutterstock)

A Final Word

Although some food choices can promote weight loss and prevent subsequent weight gain, your total eating pattern is the ultimate predictor of body weight. Exercise and physical activity also play an important role.
A healthy eating pattern for weight loss should be based on the dietary guidelines, which are general recommendations for healthy eating. Aim for five servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit a day, alongside whole grain bread and cereals, lean meat, and low-fat dairy. While this may sound like a lot of food, studies have shown these combinations will aid weight loss.
Although there will always be easier ways of losing weight, small changes toward healthier eating habits will help you to not only lose weight but will provide you with the right habits to avoid regaining weight in the future.The Conversation
Yasmine Probst is a senior lecturer at the school of medicine at the University of Wollongong in Australia. Elizabeth Neale is a career development fellow (lecturer) at the University of Wollongong, and Vivienne Guan is an associate research fellow at the University of Wollongong. This article was first published on The Conversation.
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