

IN-DEPTH: Climate Experts Criticize Alarmist Rhetoric Over Summer Temperatures

IN-DEPTH: Climate Experts Criticize Alarmist Rhetoric Over Summer Temperatures

1.5 Degree Temperature Rise Poses No ‘Existential Threat to Humanity,’ Says New UN Climate Change Chief

1.5 Degree Temperature Rise Poses No ‘Existential Threat to Humanity,’ Says New UN Climate Change Chief

Millions of Us Could Be Underwater If Sea Levels Keep Rising (Video)

Millions of Us Could Be Underwater If Sea Levels Keep Rising (Video)

Spain, Portugal Issue Health Alerts Amid Scorching Temps

Spain, Portugal Issue Health Alerts Amid Scorching Temps

Climate Change Beliefs Tied to Politics and Temperature

Climate Change Beliefs Tied to Politics and Temperature

Massive Heat Wave Smothers New York City

Massive Heat Wave Smothers New York City

Q&A: How Do You Beat the Heat?

Q&A: How Do You Beat the Heat?

Grandmother’s Advice: Winter Skin Care

Grandmother’s Advice: Winter Skin Care

Parents, Activists Outraged by Burning-Hot Playgrounds

Parents, Activists Outraged by Burning-Hot Playgrounds