Q&A: How Do You Beat the Heat?

With the temperature hitting 99 degrees Monday, New Yorkers shared different ways of bearing the heat over the long holiday weekend.
Q&A: How Do You Beat the Heat?
[xtypo_dropcap]N[/xtypo_dropcap]EW YORK—With the temperature hitting 99 degrees Monday, New Yorkers shared different ways of bearing the heat over the long holiday weekend.

The Epoch Times asked: How do you beat the heat?

David Graves, Bee Farmer
“I drink lots of water and mint tea without sugar—that helps you to stay cool. I jog everyday. I’m 60 years old, and I’m doing alright in this weather. Normally I prefer to stay on the cold side.”

Fred Newton, Petition Collector
“I pray for shade and drink water. Putting sun block every 40 minutes also helps.”

Kat Tuohy, Finance Worker
“I like the weather and try to enjoy the sun. Many people don’t like hot weather. But for me, I would get sweaty biking in Bryant Park on a day like this. It’s really fun to go outside on a holiday weekend.”

Raj Azirami, Wall Street Finance Worker
“Me and my daughter would go out to play on the slides. She loves it.”

Setiu Vallejus, MTA Agent
“I enjoy hot weather like this! [I have] been waiting [a] long time for it. We’ve had six months of cold weather, and it’s enough.”

Brian Glenn, Real Estate Agent
“I’m going to meet a friend now. We are going to play baseball in Sunset Park. Yesterday I went to the beach, the water was freezing cold. Other than that, I would take ice coffee, ice cream, lots of water, and turn on the AC.”
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