
Somali pirates

Italian Marines Facing Trial in India Will Not Return

Italian Marines Facing Trial in India Will Not Return

Somali Piracy Declines, Danger Shifts to Other Regions

Somali Piracy Declines, Danger Shifts to Other Regions

Somali Leader Wants Funds to Take Down Pirates

Somali Leader Wants Funds to Take Down Pirates

Somali Pirates Release Greek Tanker

Somali Pirates Release Greek Tanker

EU Strikes Somali Pirates on Land

EU Strikes Somali Pirates on Land

Somalia Piracy Leads to Economic Development

Somalia Piracy Leads to Economic Development

Somali Pirates Release Italian Tanker for Ransom Money

Somali Pirates Release Italian Tanker for Ransom Money
The Epoch Times

Indian Navy Captures 61 Pirates

Indian Navy Captures 61 Pirates

Somali Pirates Capture Cargo Ship

Somali Pirates Capture Cargo Ship
The Epoch Times

Somali Pirates ‘ Ship Freed By Authorities

Somali Pirates ‘ Ship Freed By Authorities

Canadian Ship Assists Hijacked Crew off Somali Coast

Canadian Ship Assists Hijacked Crew off Somali Coast

Romanian Sailors Kept Captive by Somali Pirates

Romanian Sailors Kept Captive by Somali Pirates