Scientists are watching the birth of a planet orbiting a star 450 light years away and say what they learn could answer some of the biggest questions concerning how planets form around other stars.
During the past two decades, astronomers have discovered 300 “hot Jupiters,” but for the first time they’ve found one that has two close-in planetary companions.
Until 2.5 years ago, a young solar system was emitting large amounts of infrared radiation due to the circumstellar disc of rocky debris surrounding it.
Two unusual new exoplanets have been discovered through the Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope (KELT) project, using its North telescope in Arizona.
A once-in-a-lifetime event will take place on June 5/6 when Venus will be visible as a tiny black dot moving across the sun. The next Venus transit isn’t due until 2117.
A once-in-a-lifetime event will take place on June 5/6 when Venus will be visible as a tiny black dot moving across the sun. The next Venus transit isn’t due until 2117.
Skies in the western United States, China, and Japan will be graced by a rare and beautiful celestial phenomenon this weekend: an annular solar eclipse.