
paranormal phenomena

Theater Review: ‘Simon Says’

Theater Review: ‘Simon Says’

UFOs Filmed Over Phoenix, Arizona (Video)

UFOs Filmed Over Phoenix, Arizona (Video)

‘The Science Delusion’ by Rupert Sheldrake—Part 2

‘The Science Delusion’ by Rupert Sheldrake—Part 2

Book Review: ‘The Science Delusion’ by Rupert Sheldrake—Part 1

Book Review: ‘The Science Delusion’ by Rupert Sheldrake—Part 1

New Crop Circles in the UK: August 2012

New Crop Circles in the UK: August 2012

The Enigmatic Stone Spheres of Costa Rica

The Enigmatic Stone Spheres of Costa Rica

Red Rain in India May Have Alien Origin

Red Rain in India May Have Alien Origin

Bloated ‘Monster’ Washes Up in New York

Bloated ‘Monster’ Washes Up in New York

Ominous Mushroom Cloud Hangs Over Beijing (Video)

Ominous Mushroom Cloud Hangs Over Beijing (Video)

Baltic Sea ‘UFO’ Mystery Deepens With Dive

Baltic Sea ‘UFO’ Mystery Deepens With Dive

UFO Filmed Over Thames Estuary in London

UFO Filmed Over Thames Estuary in London

Multiple UFOs Sighted in Japan the Past Month

Multiple UFOs Sighted in Japan the Past Month