UFOs Filmed Over Phoenix, Arizona (Video)

Three mysterious lights were seen hovering over the western part of Phoenix, Arizona, on the night of Sept. 18.
UFOs Filmed Over Phoenix, Arizona (Video)


Three mysterious lights were seen hovering over the western part of Phoenix, Arizona, on the night of Sept. 18.

The lights were captured on video by Tony Aguilera, a photographer from Phoenix, around 11 p.m. He posted the footage on YouTube, referring to the lights as “orange orbs” in the video description.

Aguilera said his neighbor knocked on the door and pointed out two orange lights in the sky, but before Aguilera could start filming them, they vanished. They reappeared in a different spot a few minutes later, and this time he was ready with a camera.

The video shows a pair of orange lights hovering in place high above the city lights of Phoenix. After a few minutes, they flickered out one after the other.

Then, about 30 seconds later, a single orange light appeared in yet another place.

“If you pay attention to the cluster of bright reddish tinted lights under the ‘orbs’ on the horizon, you can use that as a reference to where the orbs were in the sky before they disappear,” Aguilera wrote in the video description.

“It is clear that when the ‘orb’ reappears, it is further east than it was before they disappeared.”

Suggested explanations have included Chinese lanterns and military flares, although Aguilera doesn’t think they look like military flares. He also points out that Chinese lanterns would have been seen rising in the air, but these just appeared suddenly.

This isn’t the first time UFOs have been sighted over Phoenix. The famous “Phoenix Lights” were sighted by thousands of people in the area in 1997.

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