Master Wong Teaches YouTubers How to Escape the Gruesome Grip of a Rear Standing Choke

Master Wong Teaches YouTubers How to Escape the Gruesome Grip of a Rear Standing Choke
(L: Illustration; R: YouTube Screenshot | Master Wong)

Authentic martial arts and self-defense training includes adhering to basic principles. It’s not about fighting or being macho. It’s about being aware, humble, and strong. Through proper training, the mind and body will become refined and ready. This kind of discipline serves to help one handle an unexpected attack well.

In this video, step-by-step instructions on how to escape the grip of a rear choke by a bona fide kung fu master are demonstrated.

Master Wong, a Vietnamese native, is a world-renowned martial arts expert. Part of his teaching covers techniques on how to defend oneself in the unfortunate event of being the victim to a standing rear choke.

According to Ipswitch Star, Master Wong was a victim of bullying when he was younger, an experience that prompted him to learn martial arts. Through hard work and perseverance, he eventually qualified as a Wing Chun kung fu master.

Master Wong said one of his sources of motivation was Bruce Lee and especially the film “The Way of the Dragon.”

Dr. John, Master Wong’s assistant in the following video, demonstrates how one may free oneself from the standing rear choke and live to tell the tale—but reacting quickly is key.

When the assailant has you in their grasp, it'll only be a matter of seconds before he has you on the ground. And before you know it, you will be dragged out of sight, so it’s important to know what to do to escape quickly—time is of the essence.

The rear choke grip is a very powerful grip to have to face. By watching Dr. John, one may learn how to defend, counter, and escape. Watch the video below on how to get oneself out of a sticky situation quickly:

Besides self-defense skills, there are four basic principles Master Wong teaches:
  1. Know yourself–know what you can and cannot do.
  2. Know your enemy–where you are going, what are you doing outside and knowing if the place is safe or not.
  3. Know your ability–when the time comes, can you use what you have been learning to make it happen?
  4. Know your surrounding. If you go to a pub or a place like that, know how to get out quick, and the people you are with.
If in doubt, Master Wong has his own easy-to-access online video channel.
Illustration - Shutterstock | <a href="">ESB Professional</a>
Illustration - Shutterstock | ESB Professional