Vaccines & Safety

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Vaccines & Safety | LATEST STORIES

Woman Who Died After Receiving COVID Vaccine Was Not Properly Cared For, Inquiry Finds

Woman Who Died After Receiving COVID Vaccine Was Not Properly Cared For, Inquiry Finds

Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Facility Opens, Aims to Produce 100 Million Doses a Year

Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Facility Opens, Aims to Produce 100 Million Doses a Year

Study Reveals Why COVID-19 Vaccine Antibodies Wane Rapidly

Study Reveals Why COVID-19 Vaccine Antibodies Wane Rapidly

Appeals Court Revives Montana Law Barring Vaccine Status Discrimination

Appeals Court Revives Montana Law Barring Vaccine Status Discrimination

Man Died From Blood Clot After Wrongly Getting COVID-19 Jab: Independent Review

Man Died From Blood Clot After Wrongly Getting COVID-19 Jab: Independent Review

COVID-19 Testing at Hospitals and N95 Masks Could Reduce Deaths and Costs: Scientists

COVID-19 Testing at Hospitals and N95 Masks Could Reduce Deaths and Costs: Scientists

Federal Appeals Court Rules in Favor of Hospital Worker Fired for Refusing COVID Vaccine

Federal Appeals Court Rules in Favor of Hospital Worker Fired for Refusing COVID Vaccine