Businessman Says Shen Yun’s Innovative Technology Is ‘Like a Projection Towards the Divine Art!’
Loïc David, a dental surgeon, enjoyed Shen Yun at the Palais des Congrès in Paris on Feb. 17, 2023. NTD
PARIS—Theatergoers from all over France, and sometimes even from abroad, came to discover Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Palais des Congrès.
Loïc David is a dental surgeon from Bordeaux. He attended Shen Yun on Friday, Feb. 17, at the Palais des Congrès. For him, Shen Yun, “is an extraordinary magic!”
“The magic is in the synchronization, the work, the excellence,” he said. “These moments when they don’t move and these moments of harmony in the movement ... It’s incredible!”
“I love this transparent movement between the stage and the animated backdrop ... it’s perfect!” said Mr. David enthusiastically.
Indeed, Shen Yun Performing Arts’ mission is to revive China’s 5,000 years of divinely-inspired culture and history. “In the past, China was once known as ‘The Land of the Divine.’ This reflected a belief that its glorious culture was brought down from above. People sought harmony among Heaven, Earth, and humankind, and followed the course of nature. ”
Mr. David was able to feel “this harmony” as well as “the heart” of the artists: “They were expressing themselves on the stage with their heart ... And I loved it!”
Mr. David referred perhaps to the unique characteristics of classical Chinese dance. In addition to the postures, movements, and other techniques of jumps and spins, the dancers have the ability to express their deepest emotions, expressing their hearts through their movements.
Etienne de Cailleux, a businessman, attended Shen Yun on Feb. 17, 2023. NTD
Etienne de Cailleux is a businessman. He too felt that the level of Shen Yun’s performers is “very, very high,” saying: “They are extremely talented people! I’ve been to Russia where I’ve also seen beautiful ballets, but I can tell you that this is superior!”
Mr. de Cailleux said he was sensitive to the divine portrayed in several of Shen Yun’s dance narratives: “I really appreciated the divine side and the ending when the Redeemer can arrive and open other doors for us.”
“The world today is not in the divine anymore, it is necessary to get back to it. Such story-based dances allow people to reflect on where they went off!”
Emmanuel Austruy, associate director in an international strategy consulting firm, enjoyed Shen Yun on Friday, Feb. 17 in Paris. NTD
Emmanuel Austruy is an associate director in an international strategy consulting firm. He said “the artistic level is very high.”
“The dancers are very strong, very aerial, and very flexible. The large sleeves bring a lot to the stage,” he said, noting he loved the “very beautiful costumes and the extremely poignant lyrical singing".
Emmanuel Austruy established a link between the digital backdrop and the connection with the divine, believing this technology on stage promotes the desire for harmony between Heaven, Earth, and humankind: “We feel it, especially within the digital backdrop interacting with the dancers and singers ... It brings a lot to the show, it is almost like a projection towards the divine art!”
According to Mr. Austruy, Shen Yun is “a return to fundamental values.”
“That man is looking toward God as well, and many very positive things,” Mr. Austruy said.