Many trees have been killed, and much ink spilled over President Joe Biden’s explicit commitment to defending Taiwan. In May, Biden repeatedly reiterated that the United States would come to Taiwan’s aid should it be attacked by the Chinese regime.
Moreover, Biden has doubled down on his vow to back Taiwan, adding that the United States was militarily committed to coming to the island’s defense.
The pearl-clutchers immediately went ballistic, mostly criticizing Biden for abandoning the long-held policy of “strategic ambiguity” regarding cross-strait relations. According to the principles of strategic ambiguity, the United States recognized the People’s Republic of China as the “true” China, politically and diplomatically, while also accepting that Washington did not recognize “Taiwanese independence.”
At the same time, Washington opposed the use of force by Beijing to settle the question of Taiwan’s status and also that it reserved the right, as laid out in the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) of 1979, to “make available to Taiwan such defense articles and defense services in such quantity as may be necessary to enable Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self-defense capability.”
All of this is classic diplospeak intended to both deter and reassure Beijing—that Washington would not encourage Taiwan to declare its independence while also deterring China from thinking that the United States would tolerate an invasion of Taiwan. The TRA, along with the “Six Assurances,” are the very essence of strategic ambiguity and basically give Washington the best of both worlds.
In other words, Biden’s remarks could be construed as writing Taipei a blank check to ultimately declare independence. This would undermine the whole intent of strategic ambiguity.
Two points are important to remember. First, the United States reserves for itself to decide how, when, and with what resources it will defend Taiwan. As a corollary, Washington will also reserve the right to determine which “defense articles and defense services” are necessary to meet Taiwan’s requirement for “sufficient self-defense capabilities.”

If anything should remind us that strategic ambiguity is still the standing order of the day, one need look no further than a recent speech made by U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to the Shangri-La Dialogue recently held in Singapore.
In addition, Austin “stressed the US government’s determination to uphold the status quo that has served the region well. It’s official U.S. policy to recognize Beijing as representing China and to acknowledge its view that it has sovereignty over Taiwan, although Washington also considers Taiwan’s status as unsettled,” the report said.
In Austin’s own words, he stated that Washington and the Biden administration “categorically oppose any unilateral changes to the status quo from either side. We do not support Taiwan independence. And we stand firmly behind the principle that cross-strait differences must be resolved by peaceful means.”
These remarks are a classic embrace of a continued strategy of strategic ambiguity, as clear as it can be (and, yes, as ironic as it may sound). Strategic ambiguity stands, and Biden’s remarks do not change the basic planks of this policy. If anything, the president has simply fired a metaphorical “shot over the bow” at Beijing, to clarify U.S. commitments to a free Taiwan.