Liz Leafloor

Liz Leafloor

Liz Leafloor is an Editor, Writer, Blogger and Designer based in Canada. Having worked in online media for years, Liz covers exciting and interesting subjects like spirituality, history, science, archaeological discoveries, life and death, and the unexplained. She is an editor for popular archaeology and history site Ancient-Origins, and contributing blogger for international news media organization Epoch Times.


Giant 7-Foot to 8-Foot Skeletons Uncovered in Ecuador Sent for Scientific Testing

Giant 7-Foot to 8-Foot Skeletons Uncovered in Ecuador Sent for Scientific Testing

Ancient Peruvian Mummy Surprises Researchers With Antibiotic-Resistant Genes

Ancient Peruvian Mummy Surprises Researchers With Antibiotic-Resistant Genes

Controversial Claim by Geologist: Mysterious Tracks in Turkey Left by Civilization Millions of Years Ago

Controversial Claim by Geologist: Mysterious Tracks in Turkey Left by Civilization Millions of Years Ago

Archaeologists Say They Found Mona Lisa’s Bones, but Can’t Extract DNA

Archaeologists Say They Found Mona Lisa’s Bones, but Can’t Extract DNA

1,200-Year-Old Telephone, Amazing Invention of the Ancient Chimu Civilization

1,200-Year-Old Telephone, Amazing Invention of the Ancient Chimu Civilization

Irish Lore Keeper’s Dire Warning: US Company Will Be Cursed If Ancient Fairy Fort Is Destroyed

Irish Lore Keeper’s Dire Warning: US Company Will Be Cursed If Ancient Fairy Fort Is Destroyed

Do You Dare Enter a Fairy Ring? Mythical Mushroom Portals of the Supernatural

Do You Dare Enter a Fairy Ring? Mythical Mushroom Portals of the Supernatural

Body Snatchers and Tortured Spirits: Dark History of Edinburgh’s South Bridge Vaults

Body Snatchers and Tortured Spirits: Dark History of Edinburgh’s South Bridge Vaults