Jeremy Hance



South African Airways Bans All Wildlife Trophies from Flights

South African Airways Bans All Wildlife Trophies from Flights

Europe’s Biggest Animal Bounces Back After 100 Years

Europe’s Biggest Animal Bounces Back After 100 Years

Rare Endangered Species Video for Oil Exploited Park

Rare Endangered Species Video for Oil Exploited Park

Rhino Poaching Rate Rises 18 Percent in South Africa

Rhino Poaching Rate Rises 18 Percent in South Africa

Biodiversity Loss and Hunting Leading to Herbivore Overkill

Biodiversity Loss and Hunting Leading to Herbivore Overkill

Illegal Ivory Trade Alive and Well on Craigslist

Illegal Ivory Trade Alive and Well on Craigslist

Five Tons of Frozen Pangolins Busted in Indonesia

Five Tons of Frozen Pangolins Busted in Indonesia

Sumatran Rhino Is Extinct in the Wild in Malaysia

Sumatran Rhino Is Extinct in the Wild in Malaysia

Camera Traps Catch Rare Amazon Bird Following Peccaries

Camera Traps Catch Rare Amazon Bird Following Peccaries