Jennifer Sweenie
Jennifer Sweenie
Jennifer Sweenie is a New York-based health reporter. She is a nutritional therapy practitioner and trained health-supportive chef focused on functional nutrition and the power of natural, whole foods. Jennifer serves on the board of directors for Slow Food NYC and is a former board member of the Farm-to-Consumer Foundation.


How What You Eat Affects Your Skin

How What You Eat Affects Your Skin

Lack of Anemia Screening Leaves Older Patients More Vulnerable: Study

Lack of Anemia Screening Leaves Older Patients More Vulnerable: Study

How a Woman’s Menstrual Cycle Influences Her Blood Sugar Levels

How a Woman’s Menstrual Cycle Influences Her Blood Sugar Levels

Researchers Discover New Mechanism Linking Diet and Cancer Risk

Researchers Discover New Mechanism Linking Diet and Cancer Risk

New Study Reveals How a Father’s Diet Can Affect the Health of His Future Children

New Study Reveals How a Father’s Diet Can Affect the Health of His Future Children

Eat Your Sun Protection

Eat Your Sun Protection

The Salt and Cortisol Connection

A Low Sodium Diet May Be Stressing You Out

The Connection Between Sleep and Sugar

Disrupted Sleep? Nighttime Snacks May Be a Culprit