Eric Bess

Eric Bess, Ph.D., is a fine artist, a writer on art-related topics, and an assistant professor at Fei Tian College in Middletown, New York.


The Truly Fortunate: ‘Allegory of Fortune’

The Truly Fortunate: ‘Allegory of Fortune’

Hercules and the Arcadian Stag: Finding Great Patience and Gratitude

Hercules and the Arcadian Stag: Finding Great Patience and Gratitude

The Greatness of Michelangelo and Zhuangzi

The Greatness of Michelangelo and Zhuangzi

Protecting Our Purity

Protecting Our Purity

In Search of Truth

In Search of Truth

Our Herculean Tasks: Finding Wisdom in the 12 Labors

Our Herculean Tasks: Finding Wisdom in the 12 Labors

A Standard of Beauty: ‘Samson and Delilah’

A Standard of Beauty: ‘Samson and Delilah’