Would You Travel to Work on One of These?

This is the Lopifit. It’s not an electric bike, it’s not a scooter, it’s not a treadmill. It’s all three combined.
Would You Travel to Work on One of These?
Bruin and Willie Bergmeester riding their new invention, the Lopifit

This is the Lopifit. It’s not an electric bike, it’s not a scooter, it’s not a treadmill. It’s all three combined.


Meet the inventor of the Lopifit

Bruin Bergmeester lives in a small village in Holland and has built all of his five Lopifit prototypes in his living room.

When asked how he came up with the idea, Bruin explains he works full time and sits all day, so he likes to exercise on a treadmill at home.

One day it was lovely outside and Bruin did not fancy spending time on a bicycle, which meant sitting again, so he thought to himself: “Why not bring the treadmill outdoors?” And so the Lopifit was born.

How does the Lopifit work?

When you put your foot on the belt and push it backwards, it makes the shaft turn. Sensors register the movement and send a signal to a computer, situated near the storage battery, which then makes a motor turn.

Being electrical, the Lopifit runs quite fast and is equally good going uphill. It is suited for all ages, all leg lengths, and all physical conditions.

How can you get one?

A bicycle maker from Holland, Utrecht, is available to build them on demand.

Bruin says he is looking for a manufacturer in the States.