From the archives: This story was last updated in June 2019.
Thanks to the magic of the internet, the whole world has the opportunity to witness this bizarre and incredible event. It’s the moment that a newborn baby girl shocks the entire delivery room by doing something that most babies wait months to achieve.She gathers her strength, pushes into the ground with all her might, puts one foot in front of the other, and attempts to walk away! The room is aghast, and hospital staff immediately pull out their cameras to record the “miraculous” phenomenon.

All eyes rest upon the infant with seeming super strength as she paddles her feet, looking for all intents and purposes like she’s trying to escape. “Merciful father,“ the midwife holding the baby says. ”I was trying to wash her here and she keeps getting up to walk!”
Testing the magic, the midwife then lifts the baby up before returning her to a squatting position on the table. But the baby pushes herself to a standing position once again and resumes her astonishing “walk” to the surprise and delight of the gathered crowd. You couldn’t make it up.
The midwife agrees. “If you told people what has just happened, no one would believe it,” she added, gobsmacked, “unless they saw it with their own eyes.” But see it they did; the original video clip quickly went viral and amassed over 50 million views on Facebook.
The world loves Brazil’s brilliant walking baby!

“If you hold a baby under the arms and let their soles touch a flat surface, they will place one foot in front of the other and appear to walk,” they continued. “This reflex,” came the stunning conclusion, “disappears after a couple of months.” Perhaps it is a little magical, after all.