Report: Dallas, Texas, Facing a Murder Every Other Day

The police association in Dallas said the numbers indicate they’re in need of more officers.
Report: Dallas, Texas, Facing a Murder Every Other Day
(Karen Bleier/AFP/Getty Images)

Compared to 2015, Dallas, Texas, has a murder rate that is up 71 percent, according to a CBS News report.

For 2016, there has only been 87 calendar days, and the city so far has seen 41 homicides, the report said.

According to CBS, the police association in Dallas said the numbers indicate they’re in need of more officers. 

Comparing March of 2016 to March of last year, murder has seen an increase of over 100 percent.

The association’s president, Ron Pinkston, said: “They could be putting bad guys in jail. People that will commit crimes now are usually going to be the people that are going to commit the murders in the future.”

It’s been reported that the Dallas Police Department will reveal their unpleasant statistics to the Dallas City Council on March 28.

The public can access some of the to-be-discussed documents here.

Comparing March of 2016 to March of last year, murder has seen an increase of over 100 percent. CBS reported there were only five last year, and so far 19 have occurred this March.

Dallas’ violent crimes have risen by 30 percent, and higher profile assaults are up nearly 50 percent, the report said.