Rally Thanks Gillibrand for Opposing Coal Plants

Forty children from the Turn 2 Us program gathered in front of Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s Manhattan office on Thursday.
Rally Thanks Gillibrand for Opposing Coal Plants
Various activists gathered at the Chinese consulate in New York on the 20-year anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacres. (Edward Dai/The Epoch Times )
<a><img class="size-medium wp-image-1827179" title="MoveOn members thanked Senator Kirsten Gillibrand for her efforts on the energy bill. (Stephanie Lam/The Epoch Times)" src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/rally.JPG" alt="MoveOn members thanked Senator Kirsten Gillibrand for her efforts on the energy bill. (Stephanie Lam/The Epoch Times)" width="320"/></a>
MoveOn members thanked Senator Kirsten Gillibrand for her efforts on the energy bill. (Stephanie Lam/The Epoch Times)

NEW YORK—Forty children from the Turn 2 Us program in Washington Heights gathered in front of Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s Manhattan office on Thursday holding posters and shouting slogans. They are not political, as a Turn 2 Us staff said. But they care about the environment they live in.

The Turn 2 Us program, initiated by the New York Presbyterian Hospital, educates third and fourth graders about physical fitness and healthy lifestyles.

They wanted to thank Gillibrand for her support in the energy bill, said 10-year-old Miriam.

The children were invited by advocacy organization MoveOn, also known as MoveOn.org, which hosted the rally and is known for opposing the war in Iraq. Its members brought with them a thank you card for Gillibrand.

The energy bill has passed the House of Representatives, but is weakened in a way that would repeal the Clean Air Act and allow the opening of 100 coal plants. “[Gillibrand is] the only one [in the Senate who] has taken a stand against the big coal companies,” said Kathleen Blomberg, member of MoveOn. She wants to let other senators know that they are paying attention to their actions, and hopes that they would join Gillibrand.

She and fellow MoveOn member Nona Ellis are concerned not only about current air pollution, but also for future generations. According to Ellis, we should use solar and wind energy, not only because it is better for the environment, but also because they would create twice as many jobs as non-environmentally friendly energy industries.

Another MoveOn member, Joyce Hogi said that the senators are not showing their support because they tend to stand on the side of businessmen who give them campaign funds, and forget that they should be serving the people.

According to Director of the Turn 2 Us program Dr. Evelyn Montanez, it is important to reduce air pollution, because one in four children in Washington Heights has asthma, which is four times the national figures.


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