Police Beat a Man to Death and Claim He Died From Coronavirus


A Chinese man in the Netherlands told NTDTV (New Tang Dynasty Television) that his brother in Wuhan died from police brutality, after hanging out with friends at midnight.

Chen Zhonghe, former citizen of Wuhan who now lives in the Netherlands: “The point I am making is that people in China, especially people in Wuhan, are suffering a double whammy. The first blow is the large number of deaths from the coronavirus epidemic. Many people were hospitalized, and some have lost their lives. This is the blow of the epidemic. The second blow is the tyranny of CCP, which I have experienced myself. My brother, the fourth child in my family, went out at midnight on Feb. 22, probably to drink with his friends because he couldn’t bear staying at home any longer. When he returned home at 2 a.m., the police came, took him out, and 4 or 5 of them beat him cruelly. He died the next day. The hospital has detected Intracranial Hemorrhage, and, allegedly, pulmonary shadow suggesting coronavirus pneumonia. He was labelled as a suspected case of coronavirus in his death certificate.”

He explained further that the violent and unlawful acts of CCP police have caused horrific injuries to people in Wuhan.

He mentioned a video in which police were hauling a woman out of her car. During the wrestling and fighting, they broke her neck and killed her.

In communist China, police are trained to become heartless minions to help the Chinese regime suppress political dissidents. When police are ordered to enforce strict measures to combat the coronavirus, they apply the same brutality used against political dissidents to all Chinese citizens.