Police Clash with Garment Makers and Store Owners Asking for Rent Reduction in Guangzhou Market


The “Zhongda Cloth Market” in Guangzhou is mainly a distribution center for various fabrics, yarn, and garments. Thousands of large and small factories gather nearby. For more than a decade, almost the entire 150,000 non-native population in this region have made a living by making clothes and processing accessories. When the business is good, their monthly income can exceed $10,000 yuan ($1,400 USD). Last year, however, orders were greatly reduced in the aftermath of the Sino-U.S. trade war. At the beginning of the year, due to the CCP virus outbreak, the manufacturers lost all their business.

On April 21 and 22, thousands of garment factory owners and merchants joined the march at the exit of the subway station near the market, shouting “reduce rent, reduce rent” along the way. They demanded government intervention to reduce their rents after they had no income for three months since February. Police cars arrived at the scene and policemen came to block the road. Conflicts continue to break out.

Video content: Scenario 1: (The parading owners hold small signs that read “Reduce Rent”) Reduce rent. Reduce rent. Scene 2: (Police besieged the crowd) Many people: The police are beating people. Scenario 3: The police put up barricades hand in hand, and demanded for owners to stand against a wall before the police car arrived at the scene.