Patient in Southern China Allegedly Dumped Beside Dumpster

A Chinese medicine hospital in Hunan Province in southern China, allegedly dumped an unidentifiable patient next to a dumpster on the street.
Patient in Southern China Allegedly Dumped Beside Dumpster

A Chinese medicine hospital in Hunan Province in southern China, allegedly dumped an unidentifiable patient next to a dumpster on the street. When the patient’s family took him to the hospital again, the hospital staff turned a deaf ear to them. The angry family members resorted to protesting outside of the hospital.

According to Nanfang Daily, Xie Tongjun is a teacher at Dapingtang Middle School in Xintian County, Yongzhou City, Hunan Province. He went missing on Nov. 15 on his way home from school. Three days later local residents found him unconscious on a street and took him to a hospital. His family later learned his whereabouts and rushed to the hospital. They did not find him in the hospital but next to a dumpster outside of the hospital entrance.

Xie’s father-in-law said that he did not return home after he left school on Nov 15. His co-workers went to look for him at home on Nov 21 and that was when the family learned that something had gone wrong. In the process of searching for Xie, a local resident surnamed Deng told the family that a person was found unconscious on a street on Nov 18 and an ambulance took him to Xintian County Chinese Medicine Hospital.

The family ended up finding Xie unconscious outside the hospital.

Xie’s family posted a message on the Internet stating that Xie was unconscious when he was taken to the hospital on the 18th. With his ID, cell phone, and wallet missing, the hospital did not admit him, nor conduct effective treatment, but instead threw him out beside a dumpster.

According to the family’s message, a witness claimed that on that day “two security persons carried Xie outside with a man behind them having a metal bat in his hand. They threw him next to dumpster outside the hospital entrance.”

After finding Xie, the family carried him back inside the hospital. However, they received an uncooperative response from the hospital.

“We asked for help everywhere and it seemed no doctors heard us,” the family’s message said. In the end, Xie received simple medical treatment before his family took him to First People’s Hospital in Chenzhou.

The family protested outside of the hospital. They requested the hospital provide them with the surveillance videotape so that they could check the video and prove whether the hospital staff threw Xie outside. The request was denied.

Xie is no longer in critical condition but he has not spoken yet, according to the news report. The family suspects that he went through a horrific experience.

Read the original Chinese article.