King Wu: Zhou Dynasty’s First Emperor Respects Heaven

King Wu of Zhou was the son of King Wen of the Zhou Kingdom. In the twelfth year after King Wu succeeded to the throne, he started the Zhou Dynasty (B.C. 1122—B.C. 222).
King Wu: Zhou Dynasty’s First Emperor Respects Heaven
King Wu faithfully followed his ancestors’ teachings. The ancients advised rulers to be diligent and upright, to revere Heaven, love the people, and to reject idleness and extravagance. They warned that the affairs of a ruler will be thwarted if his selfish desires overcome moral principles. (Jessica Chang/Epoch Times)
Stephen Gregory
<a><img class="size-medium wp-image-1780630" title="King Wu, the first emperor of the Zhou Dynasty. (Jessica Chang/Epoch Times)" src="" alt="King Wu, the first emperor of the Zhou Dynasty. (Jessica Chang/Epoch Times)" width="320" height="438"/></a>
King Wu, the first emperor of the Zhou Dynasty. (Jessica Chang/Epoch Times)

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