Announcing the Winners of the ‘Why I Love America’ Essay Contest

Announcing the Winners of the ‘Why I Love America’ Essay Contest
The Epoch Times newspaper. (Epoch Times staff)
Stephen Gregory

We are proud today to publish the winners of The Epoch Times’ “Why I Love America” essay contest.

The grand prize winner is Nancy Simpson. She is joined by four runner-ups: Tibor Farkas, Rachel Kogan, Nathan O’Day, and Esther Seim.

These five were chosen from more than 1,500 submissions. We want to thank everyone who participated.

Not everything went as smoothly as might be desired. At The Epoch Times, we run a tight ship, with very little administrative fat, and the task of responding to the extensive interest in our contest put us to the test.

Unfortunately, some queries were responded to tardily, and some emails went unanswered, which isn’t in accord with our standards. We apologize for any inconvenience.

The judging of this contest was not easy. While we are proud to offer these essays as our prize winners, there were many, many more that could easily have been chosen. In the future, we plan on publishing from time to time some of those not selected as winners as opinion pieces or feature articles.

All of our judges responded with humility and gratitude to this collection of essays.

These articles are sincere and heartfelt. They tell moving stories about hardships overcome and triumphs won. They are by turns lyrical and very practical about the joys of freedom.

They are written with learning about our republican form of government. And they are wise in describing the need for personal responsibility, faith, and virtue to make that government work.

This contest was meant to respond to the needs of our nation.

We live in a time when the very foundations of our country are being tested, and all too often the media are contributing to this crisis by publishing false narratives about the United States.

With this contest, The Epoch Times wants to remind Americans of what is good about our country. Instead of negative, dispiriting, and misleading accounts, we are giving our readers the positive and uplifting testimony of their fellow citizens.

We want to encourage Americans to remain firm in what they know to be good, and to gain calm in the midst of turmoil, as they find renewed contact with what is permanent and noble.

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