High Prevalence of Infections Among School-Age Children Subjected to CCP’s Young Pioneers Organization

High Prevalence of Infections Among School-Age Children Subjected to CCP’s Young Pioneers Organization
Children receive a drip at a children hospital in Beijing on Nov. 23, 2023. Jade Gao/AFP via Getty Images
Jessica Mao

A spike in infection cases, primarily affecting children, has occurred in various places in China, with severe instances culminating in white lung or even death. This group has been recently hit by the epidemic, and many of them are Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) Young Pioneers who have been subjected to the regime’s oppressive policies.

Starting from elementary school, China’s children are subjected to brainwashing by the communist regime as its “future bearers of communism.” In November 2019, one month before the COVID pandemic started in the central Chinese city of Wuhan, the CCP issued a decree encouraging children to join the Young Pioneers and undergo a rigorous brainwashing program. The Young Pioneers is a CCP organization mandatory for young school-aged children.

Since November, medical facilities in several regions of China have observed a rise in pediatric visits exhibiting pneumonia symptoms. Pediatric outpatient clinics in Beijing Children’s Hospital, the Capital Institute of Pediatrics, and other major hospitals have been overcrowded for over a month, with a surge of emergency patients.

Mr. Chen, a Beijing citizen, told The Epoch Times on Nov. 28: “My children said that their entire class was coughing ... and they could not hear the teacher’s voice.”

Health authorities in Beijing, Shandong Province, Shanxi Province, and Hebei Province have issued notices requiring students and teachers not to go to school with the infectious illness to prevent the spread of infection.

On Nov. 24, the State Council’s prevention and control body stated that since October, influenza and mycoplasma pneumoniae infections have increased gradually, and it is predicted that “an overlapping epidemic involving multiple respiratory diseases, including COVID-19, influenza, and Mycoplasma pneumonia, will reach its peak this winter or spring.”

Previously, China’s health ministry told the World Health Organization that Mycoplasma pneumonia is responsible for rising child infections. Still, many sick children tested negative for it. ProMED, an emergency disease monitor under the International Society for Infectious Diseases, issued a notice on Nov. 21, saying that the outbreak among children is an “undiagnosed pneumonia.”
Some medical professionals suspect that the actual cause of the outbreak is a mutation of the COVID-19 virus.

The CCP’s response to the epidemic has long been questioned as opaque, obfuscating, and deviating from the truth, heavily hampering the international community’s assessment of coronavirus mutations in China.

COVID-19 has been dubbed the “CCP virus” since its earliest transmission from Wuhan and has deep ties to the CCP, either in terms of its being under international suspicion for the virus origin or its mishandling of the domestic outbreak that caused it to spread globally in 2020, resulting in countless deaths and economic damage.

Brainwashing Children

As early as 1977, the former CCP head Deng Xiaoping said that “education should start with children.” Current head Xi Jinping emphasized that brainwashing education should allow “the red genes to seep into the bloodstream and immerse in the heart.”
Young pioneers of China raise their fists as they take the oath during a ceremony in Beijing in the 70s. (AFP)
Young pioneers of China raise their fists as they take the oath during a ceremony in Beijing in the 70s. AFP

He also said that the CCP has three organizations, with the Communist Party being the so-called “vanguard,” the Youth League being the “commandos,” and the Young Pioneers being the “reserve.”

In November 2019, the CCP stepped up its efforts to indoctrinate children by altering the entering method of the Young Pioneer from “simultaneous enrollment” to “organized, batch-by-batch enrollment” for children aged 6 to 14.

The CCP asserts that previously, every child automatically became a member of the Young Pioneers upon entering elementary school, leading to a significant reduction in the identified “sense of pride and honor.”

The mandate for children to join the Young Pioneers stage by stage essentially amounts to a sort of “pre-Young Pioneers education and learning,” which methodically instills the communist ideology and fulfills the criteria defined by the CCP, including knowing the Young Pioneers’ flag, emblem, and logo; recognizing that the current CCP head is their leader; learning to recite the pledge of allegiance and complete the application for joining the Young Pioneers, and so on.

Then, schools are required to divide the children into three batches in the designated semester and organize an entrance exam for the Young Pioneers.

An elementary school teacher in Huanan County, Heilongjiang Province, recently told The Epoch Times that not merely children, but their parents have to be close to the CCP and even curry favor with the examiner.

Li Yuanhua, a former professor at Capital Normal University in Beijing, indicated during an interview with The Epoch Times on Nov. 29 that under the rule of the CCP, individuals do not possess the freedom of choice. “Once one enters the CCP’s organization, they will inevitably be brainwashed and ultimately manipulated into joining and potentially sacrificing their lives for the CCP’s objectives.”

Lu Tianming, a U.S.-based current affairs commentator, said that under communist rule, joining the CCP organization is mandatory: “If anyone refuses, the school and teachers will create obstacles and oppress the child in various ways, resulting in students and parents feeling compelled to allow their children to join the CCP organization.”

“In the past, when the CCP practiced mass enrollment, many people did not speak or open their mouths during the oath-taking, so it was very easy for them to get by, so the CCP thinks this is not very effective,” said Mr. Lu.

Therefore, the CCP now not only starts with the children in brainwashing education, but also screens them one by one. “You have to take this kind of poisonous oath to the CCP, saying in person that you will entrust your life to it [the CCP], and that you are ready to sacrifice your life for it at any time and any place. The oaths taken by the entire Communist Party bloc are very vicious,” Mr. Lu added.

The youngsters were enticed and deceived into taking a pledge to join the CCP group as “successors of communism.” Despite their youth, these minors are presently in peril, according to Mr. Lu.

Mr. Li Hongzhi, founder of the spiritual practice Falun Gong, told The Epoch Times on Aug. 26 that the virus is directed at the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), along with those who blindly follow the Party, defend it, and give their lives to it.
Shedding light on a way out, Mr. Li advised in March 2020 in “Stay Rational” that “What people should do, instead, is to repent to the divine with all due sincerity, admit to their faults, and pray for a chance to change their ways.”

Self-Awareness of Parents and Children

People take part in a demonstration in Washington on Oct. 28, 2006. (Nicholas Kamm/AFP via Getty Images)
People take part in a demonstration in Washington on Oct. 28, 2006. Nicholas Kamm/AFP via Getty Images

Given that most parents of Chinese children today have also grown up under the brainwashing of the CCP, “it is imperative that they comprehend first the importance of preventing their children from participating in the CCP’s evil organizations and refraining from taking these pernicious vows, to maintain their children’s purity. Once children take the oath and get involved, they are no longer innocent,” Mr. Lu said.

Yi Rong, chairwoman of the Global Service Center for Quitting the CCP, told The Epoch Times on Nov. 30 that brainwashing and lying are tactics that the CCP has used to educate children from an early age about communism and deny traditional culture and that their intentions are extremely dangerous.

She said that children are innocent and will become what they are taught. Therefore, she called on parents to be vigilant and let their children receive more education in traditional Chinese culture, to cultivate children who emphasize virtue, goodness, benevolence, and filial piety, and not to let the evil party deceive them.

“I believe parents can help resist the brainwashing of children by the CCP,” said Ms. Yi, sharing a story of a mother bringing her son to quit the Young Pioneers when “The Awakening of 400 Million People,” a documentary chronicling the biggest spiritual awakening movement of Chinese people, premiered in New York.

“Together, parents and children would choose to stay far away from the CCP and the evil and embrace the light and hope!” Ms. Yi said.

Xin Ning and Ellen Wan contributed to this report.
Jessica Mao is a writer for The Epoch Times with a focus on China-related topics. She began writing for the Chinese-language edition in 2009.
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