Google’s New Service Can See Whether or Not You Can Get to Your Destination on Time

The new feature has been spotted in the updated change log for the Android Google Maps app. “Receive a warning when you are about to navigate to a place that is closed at time of arrival”
Google’s New Service Can See Whether or Not You Can Get to Your Destination on Time
The Google Maps app is seen on an Apple iPhone 4S. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

How many times did you hurry to make a last-minute purchase only to find out that a certain store had closed for the day while you were stuck in traffic? That kind of annoyance might soon be a thing of the past, as Google has found a way to fix it inside Google Maps.

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The popular mapping app will now tell you if the place you’re navigating to will be closed by the time you arrive, Android Police reports, a neat trick that should certainly save you some precious time.

Even if you know where a store is located and you wouldn’t necessarily need Google Maps navigation to get there, it might still be a good idea to use Google’s service to see whether or not you can get there on time.

The new feature has been spotted in the updated change log for the Android Google Maps app. “Receive a warning when you are about to navigate to a place that is closed at time of arrival,” the Google Maps’ change log says.

The notice appears in the middle of the screen on a smartphone, as seen in the following screenshot, listing opening hours for the day, as well as estimated arrival time. “Your destination may be closed by the time you arrive,” the warning says, while still offering users the option of starting navigation to that destination.


Republished with permission from BGR. Read the original.