Samsung Hints Galaxy S7 Will Be Waterproof and Shock Resistant

Samsung will unveil the Galaxy S7 in just a few days, but at this point, we can’t but wonder whether there are any Galaxy S7 secrets left
Samsung Hints Galaxy S7 Will Be Waterproof and Shock Resistant

Samsung will unveil the Galaxy S7 in just a few days, but at this point, we can’t but wonder whether there are any Galaxy S7 secrets left. You know, the kind of features that would dazzle the fans. Because everything seems to have leaked already, and Samsung doesn’t seem interested in preventing unofficial information from reaching potential customers well ahead of the phone’s launch.

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After a commercial from Samsung Indonesia showed an unreleased Galaxy edge device sporting waterproof and wireless charging powers, a new video from Samsung teases water resistance and the ability to survive accidental drops.

The short teaser, posted on Samsung Mobile’s Twitter account, shows a girl dropping her handset on the ground, with the phone making coming to a rest in the pool. The phone isn’t showed, but it’s clear what Samsung is saying with this ad.

“Change your idea of what a phone can handle on 2.21.16,” the accompanying message says, next to a #TheNextGalaxy hashtag.