Cold and Wet for Spring Saturday Races

HONG KONG—The weather that has been plaguing central China and causing floods in the Yangzi River drifted south and Hong Kong caught the cold draft and rain for a few days last week extending to Saturday April 11 causing sailors to don their wet suits. Such was the case for the 3rd day of the Jeanneau Spring Saturday Series races organised by Hebe Haven Yacht Club.
Cold and Wet for Spring Saturday Races
‘Mojito’ with 3-wins and a second place heads the IRC division of the Hebe Haven Jeanneau Spring Saturday Series after Race day-3 on Saturday April 11, 2015. (Bill Cox/Epoch Times)

HONG KONG—The weather that has been plaguing central China and causing floods in the Yangzi River drifted south and Hong Kong caught the cold draft and rain for a few days last week extending to Saturday April 11 causing sailors to don their wet suits. Such was the case for the 3rd day of the Jeanneau Spring Saturday Series races organised by Hebe Haven Yacht Club.

To bring people up to speed with the series results so far, the first day of racing on March 14 was called off for lack of wind.

Day-2 (March 28) proceeded in sunny conditions with 8-10 knot winds and 25 boats on the water. “Mojito” and “Light Horse” took first place alternately in the two races, and “Outrageous” was 3rd in both of the IRC races. “Applause” took 1st place in each of the HKPN races with DEA II a constant second. “Tara”, “No One Else” and “X-Terminator” were also well placed. There was a good turnout of Sports Boats with Steve Bourne in “Merlin” finishing first in each of the two races putting him in the lead on 2-points with “It’s My Pleasure” and “Good Vibrations” finishing the day with 4 and 5 points respectively.

In the Dragon Class races Zephyr won both races and Shiva and Eaux Vives alternating in 2nd and 3rd places.

Day-3 (April 11), with rain and thunder forecast, only 16 boats braved the conditions including 8–IRC, 7-HKPN and only one Sports Boat (Good Vibrations). The Sports Boat joined in with the HKPN races. Although it rained throughout the afternoon at least there was wind of up to 12 knots.

“Lighthorse” took Line Honours in each of the IRC Races just squeezing over the line ahead of “Mojito” in the second race. But “Mojito” sealed first and second place finishes on corrected time putting her in a strong position with just 5-points in the overall series. “Gambit” took 2nd place in race-5 and 3rd place in race-6, while “Lighthorse” took 2nd in race-6 and 4th in race-5. “X-Terminator”, “Applause”, “Eclipse” and “Jive” all put in good HKPN performances. Although “Good Vibrations” finished 5th in race-5 she excelled by leading the HKPN fleet in race-6.

With just two more race days left in the series the lead boats in the IRC series are “Mojito” on 5, “Lighthorse” (10), “Outrageous” (15) “Vixen” (17) and “Goddess” (23).

In the HKPN series, “Applause” leads on 9-points, “DEA II” is lying second with 14-points, “X-Terminator” is 3rd on 17-points, “Jive” (Kam Wai Hung) is 4th with 21-pointsand “Tara” is 5th on 23-points.

Next Race
The next races (7 and 8) of the Jeanneau Spring Saturday Series are scheduled for April 25.