The 3-day 2016 California Insurance International Match Racing Series was held in very variable wind and weather conditions in Victoria Harbour from April 22 to 24. The series was won by Singapore yachtsman Maxi So and his crew.
The Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club, Marriott Rewards Round the Island Race took place last Sunday Nov 15, with 232 boats taking part in a full navigation of Hong Kong Island – a total of 26 nautical miles.
he Etchells World Championships 2015 took place over 9-races off Clearwater Bay to the East of Hong Kong Island, from Nov 1-7. A total of 43 boats took part with competitors from all over the world: 4-boats from USA, 14 from Australia, 5 from the UK, 2 from UAE, 1 each from New Zealand, Ireland, Switzerland, and Bermuda, and 14 from Hong Kong.
he Hebe Haven Sin Fung Winter Saturday Series started on Saturday Nov 7, 2015 with 35 boats competing over 4-classes, the series will comprise 7-races mainly set within Port Shelter. Conditions were good with a 7-12 knot easterly wind and although a bit dark at times the rain storms forecast, stayed away.
The Etchells World Championship 2015 organized and hosted by the Hong Kong Etchells Association and will be held near Nine Pins Islands, in the waters off Clearwater Bay between Sunday Nov 1 and Saturday Nov 7. As a precursor to this event, the Etchells Asia Pacific Championship took place at the same venue from Saturday Oct 24 to Monday Oct 26.
Starting at 1:15pm opposite the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club on Thursday Oct 15 and heading eastwards to Lei Yue Mun gap, 10 boats set sail for Na Trang in Vietnam, a distance of 673 miles. Syd Fischer’s Super Maxi Plus, “Ragamuffin 100” led the way through Lei Yue Mun followed by a second Australian boat, Phillip Turner/Duncan Hine’s RP 66 “Alive”.