Call of Duty: Black Ops II Sales Surpass $1 Billion in 15 Days

Call of Duty: Black Ops II Sales Surpass $1 Billion in 15 Days
Linda Moore

It is official, Call of Duty: Black Ops II has surpassed the $1 billion mark in retail sales worldwide – this, only 15 days after its release.  The game supersedes the fastest release to cross the billion dollar mark in 2009, Avatar which made a billion dollars in 17 days.  The increasing demand of video games speak volumes about the popularity of gaming around the world. 

 The Call of Duty franchise does it over and over again, making record-breaking sales numbers in less than a month.  The CEO of Activision Blizzard went as far as to say, “The release of Call of Duty® has been one of the most significant entertainment events of each of the last six years," in a press release for Black Ops II.

Indeed Call of Duty sales are more than those for Star Wars and Harry Potter.  More people are playing this video game than are going to the two most popular movie franchises of all time.  It may sound hard to believe, but the numbers don’t lie. The popularity of video games nowadays is outrageous. Young adults are turning to payday loans and pawn shops to ensure they have the money to buy a new game the day it’s released.

Call of Duty has remained on top as one of the best video games for their consistency and the ability to maintain the things that people have come to love within the series.  Find out for yourself, try a game of Call of Duty which is now available on Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Wii U, and Windows PC.

I am a freelance writer and enjoy reporting on a variety of topics.
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