10 Min Ballet Yoga Workout

10 Min Ballet Yoga Workout
Yoga lovers today, I'm making you move like a Ballet Dancer. YouTube

All the benefits of Yoga in Ballet Style. The power of a yoga flow with the beautiful movements of Ballet, ready to immerse yourself in a transformative-restorative Ballet-Yoga Flow? Need a little extra help on how to navigate these new ballet steps and see results with ballet movements?

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Yoga lovers today, I’m making you move like a Ballet Dancer. To keep you in your comfort zone and help you ease into this new ballet world, I created a flow with yoga movements that you already know, but with a Beautiful Ballet zest.

We all know the benefits of Yoga, and today I want you to take that breathing calming feeling you have during a flow and add it to the free movements that dancing can give. Ballet has got rules just like Yoga does, and the cool thing is, that they are both a sort of meditation: you are concentrated on the now, what your body is doing, and your mind cannot wonder into other thoughts.


So let’s inhale, exhale into a forward fold, let your arms become wings and there you have it: you are now a beautiful Swan.

Lazy Dancer Tips
Lazy Dancer Tips
Lazy Dancer Tips has been created for everyone’s need to discover the beauty, tricks and tips of the Dance World. lazydancertips.com
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