‘Shark Attack’ Headlines are Farfetched, Says Shark Bite ‘Victim’

Brendon Fallon
Headlines claiming that a woman had been attacked by a shark and “dragged” into crocodile-infested waters may have aroused public alarm but are a little far-fetched, the woman caught up in the ’shark attack' told The Epoch Times.

“It was completely my fault,” she said.

Brunning had embarked on a “once-in-a-lifetime, spur-of-the-moment” boat trip in May in the Kimberley region of Western Australia with some friends.

It was roughly the third day of their travels when the group arrived at Dugong Bay.

“These beautiful tawny nurses (sharks) were swimming around the boat as soon as we arrived and they were there all day, all night,” Brunning said.

Then, as she was feeding a fish to one of the sharks, her finger was sucked into its mouth only to become clamped between its sharp serrated teeth.

“My finger was put in the way," Brunning said as she  she recalled finding out.

“He’s just gone, ‘Oh, a fish’, sucked it in.

“Then he’s turned, because that’s what you would do as a shark when you’ve got a feed.”

That’s when the force of the shark’s movement dragged Brunning into the water. She was quickly removed from the water by her companions.

Brunning said that between the shark’s teeth, her finger felt like it was being shred off the bone. So she was beyond relieved to find that the flesh of her finger was still attached upon getting out of the water, although it did require a small surgical procedure to stitch back into shape.

In hindsight, she said that the footage appears highly dramatic for an injury that turned out to be relatively minor.

“I was a little upset because I have seen in some of the headlines that this is a ‘shark attack.’

“This was not a shark attack. This is just a stupid blonde doing a stupid thing.

“Our marine life is absolutely beautiful and I think sharks are incredible, majestic creatures in the ocean; and it is their domain. So, I think it’s really important just to admire them and respect them," she said.

“And don’t feed sharks.”

Brendon Fallon is a former reporter and photographer with The Epoch Times. He is the host and executive producer of NTD's "Vital Signs," a health show that zooms in on the important matters of health that come up in everyday life—connecting the dots across the broad canvas of our holistic wellbeing.
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