A mysterious illness has hospitalised record numbers of Australian rainbow lorikeets and flying foxes in south-east Queensland and north-east New South Wales.
The syndrome, which affects the birds’ ability to fly and eat, has been termed Lorikeet Paralysis Syndrome (LPS). The cause of the condition remains unknown.
In serious cases, the birds are unable to blink and swallow, causing them to die from dehydration and starvation.
The syndrome is seasonal, with cases rising during spring and summer.
The condition primarily affects wildlife in south-eastern Queensland and north-eastern New South Wales (NSW).
What’s Causing the Paralysis?
The cause of LPS is currently unknown, but ongoing research is being done to identify the cause.“We are currently collecting intestinal contents and faeces from severely affected lorikeets and working with Universities to perform plant DNA studies in the hope of finding what lorikeets are eating that could be causing the disease,” Portas said.
“Researchers are now exploring the possibility that LPS may be caused by ingestion of a toxic plant that occurs in southern Queensland and northern NSW.”
He added that the seasonality of the disease suggests a “blooming/fruiting period” of the toxic plant that occurs from October to June.
Flying Foxes Also Succumbing
Lorikeets are not the only animals being paralysed. The RSPCA admitted around 108 paralysed flying foxes to its wildlife hospital in the first week of December 2024.Like LPS, the condition has been termed Flying Fox Paralysis Syndrome (FFPS).