Manitoba Man Found Not Responsible for Killing Parents, Attacking Hospital Worker

Manitoba Man Found Not Responsible for Killing Parents, Attacking Hospital Worker
People enter the Law Courts in Winnipeg, on Feb. 5, 2018. (The Canadian Press/John Woods)
The Canadian Press

A Winnipeg judge has found a man not criminally responsible for killing his parents and attacking a hospital nursing supervisor.

Court heard Trevor Farley had been in psychosis at the time of the attacks in October 2021.

“These violent and horrific acts took place in less than three hours,” Court of King’s Bench Justice Kenneth Champagne said in his decision Tuesday.

Farley pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder in his mother’s death, second-degree murder in his father’s death and attempted murder in the stabbing of Candyce Szkwarek.

A mental health assessment was ordered shortly after police arrested Farley.

Crown prosecutors accepted doctors’ findings that Farley did not understand what he was doing at the time of the attacks.

“By outward appearances, Mr. Farley was leading a productive life,” said Champagne. “Behind closed doors, there were concerns about his mental health.”

Victim impact statements are to be heard in court from Szkwarek, her daughter and two co-workers who witnessed the attack at Seven Oaks General Hospital, where Farley had worked as a nurse.

When someone is found not criminally responsible, provincial or territorial mental health review boards determine whether it’s safe for them to be released into the community and what freedoms they should have.