Beijing and other tyrannical regimes exploit gaps in Canadian law to advance their transnational repression in Canada, and a prominent international human rights lawyer says this is a problem that calls for comprehensive legislation to combat their foreign interference.
Mutual Legal Assistance
“Canada should not be cooperating with tyrannical regimes on criminal matters,” Mr. Matas said.A Red Notice must meet certain legal criteria and must comply with the Interpol Constitution, whose Article 3 forbids Interpol from undertaking “any intervention or activities of a political, military, religious, or racial character.” Despite this measure, tyrannical regimes are becoming “sophisticated enough to know not to accuse their targets of offences which are based on internationally prohibited grounds,” Mr. Matas said.
“These regimes often shift blame for their own wrongdoing to powerless scapegoats, accusing them of ordinary law crimes,” he said. “The accusations are politically motivated but the allegations are that crimes were committed which are not, in themselves, political.”

Mr. Matas recommended that, when considering signing such treaties, Canada make what’s called a “reservation” to limit its obligations only to those states it has operative extradition treaties with—states that are presumed to conduct fair trials—and to withdraw if this is unacceptable to other states.
Targeting Family Members
China has also been exploiting legal loopholes in other countries directly through its consulates, and targeting foreign officials such as Conservative MP Michael Chong. In early May, Ottawa declared Chinese consul officer Zhao Wei persona non grata after The Globe and Mail reported, citing an unnamed national-security source, that Mr. Zhao had helped to seek information about Mr. Chong’s family members living in Hong Kong in order to target them with sanctions.“If such behaviour could be directed to someone as high profile and publicly outspoken as Michael Chong, one can easily understand how widespread that behaviour would be against targets who are not well known and are too afraid to speak out,” Mr. Matas said.
“In a perverse sense, Zhao Wei did us a favour by giving a glimpse of the pervasive abuse for which he provided a dramatic example. We need to take advantage of the awareness his misbehaviour has generated to act.”

Election Meddling
A series of media reports published since late 2022 have highlighted Beijing’s meddling in Canada’s 2019 and 2021 federal elections, citing leaked intelligence documents pointing to 11 federal candidates allegedly having received campaign funding from Beijing in the 2019 election. According to various media reports, the Chinese regime also allegedly interfered in the 2022 Vancouver municipal election.Reports of Beijing’s pervasive foreign interference have prompted increased calls for creating a foreign agent registry to boost transparency around activities of those working in Canada to advance a foreign entity’s interests.
Existing Laws
Mr. Matas pointed to three existing laws in Canada that each lack certain features to be able to fully combat foreign interference.“These two laws are insufficient to address the problem of attempts at influence by foreign actors operating in Canada. Foreign agents sometimes engage in activity in Canada without communicating with federal public office holders and without attempting to influence Canadian elections,” Mr. Matas said.
To make up for the inadequacies in Canadian laws, Mr. Matas said Canada needs more thorough legislation that addresses all aspects of foreign influence. The legislation should include but not be limited to a registration system. Rather, it should also set out activities prohibited to foreign actors.Those subject to prohibitions should not only be those paid for their work, but also those working as volunteers or spending no money on the work, depending on the activities they are engaged in.
Mr. Matas also said the legislation should not be directed only against foreigners but also cover Canadian citizens who engage in the prohibited activities.
Pointing to Mr. Chong’s case, he said, “Making, planning, facilitating, or organizing those threats should be a prohibited activity, whether the activity is conducted by foreigners or locals.”
Canada also needs a commissioner of foreign influence, akin to the commissioner of lobbying, said Mr. Matas. The foreign influence commissioner should be able to both publicly and privately receive complaints of violations of the code of conduct committed by any person or entity, including violations by foreign embassies and consulates.
The foreign influence commissioner should also be obliged to report annually to Parliament, while also having the power to report at any time on matters of such urgency or importance that they should not await annual reporting.