- After receiving the first dose of an mRNA vaccine (Moderna or Pfizer COVID vaccines), approximately 10 percent to 15 percent of the patients reported an increase in blood glucose within 1 to 2 days and 2 percent reported a decrease;
- After receiving the second dose of an mRNA vaccine, approximately 30 percent reported an increase in blood glucose, and 1 percent reported a decrease.
- After the second dose of the Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) vaccine, 42 percent had elevated blood glucose.

Statistical Analysis of Vaccine Adverse Diabetes Events
Late at night on May 31, 2022, hundreds of parents from 26 provinces and central government directly controlled municipalities across China sent out an online plea for help: more than 600 children had developed type 1 diabetes after receiving the Chinese-manufactured vaccines. Some parents said that their families had no history of diabetes for three generations. Is there a correlation between the vaccines and these childhood diabetes cases?- Gender and age analyses

- Vaccines

- Types of diabetes

- Time of onset of post-vaccination diabetes cases
Overall, the association between the onset of diabetes and the second dose is very strong in terms of timing. Moreover, among these 211 patients, no one had a family history of diabetes, which is a consistent pattern that warrants alarm.

The SARS-COV-2 Virus Damages Pancreatic Islet Cells and Increases the Risk of Diabetes
The pancreas is an important organ that produces insulin, which is a hormone that binds to the insulin receptors on the cells. It helps glucose enter the cells, so that it can be used by the cells.
When glucose remains in the bloodstream and is unable to enter the cells, it causes high levels of blood glucose. And type 1 diabetes is caused by a significant deficiency of insulin, which prevents blood glucose from being used effectively by the cells and thus causes blood glucose to rise.

The reason for this inability to produce enough insulin is usually damage to the pancreatic islet cells caused by autoimmune or viral problems.
In the case of type 2 diabetes, the body’s insulin secretion is normal, but the cells are not sensitive to insulin, and blood glucose is retained outside the cells and cannot be used effectively, causing hyperglycemia.
Then, is it possible that diabetes is related to COVID-19 infection? Studies have shown that there is indeed a connection between the SARS-COV-2 virus and diabetes.

Why Are There Adverse Type I Diabetes Events but Not Type II Diabetes?
We know that the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes is mainly the autoimmune attack on pancreatic islet cells, resulting in insulin deficiency.The COVID-19 vaccines manufactured in China are mainly inactivated vaccines. The quality of these vaccines is difficult to control, and there may be activated virus particles left in the vaccines. And even a small amount of viruses entering the human body can replicate themselves, thus affecting the body’s immune system.
- induce chronic inflammation
- damage cellular mitochondria: Every cell has mitochondria, and if the mitochondria in insulin-producing cells are damaged, it may contribute to type 1 diabetes.
- induce autoimmune phenomena: including autoimmune myocarditis, autoimmune liver diseases, and autoimmune neuritis. Theoretically, it may also induce an immune attack response against its own pancreatic islet cells.
Besides COVID-19 Vaccines, Other Vaccines Can Also Cause Immune Dysfunction in Children
Are there other vaccines, besides the COVID-19 vaccines, that could be associated with diabetes?Some of the ingredients contained in the COVID-19 vaccines can induce chronic inflammation, damage cellular mitochondria, and cause autoimmune phenomena, all of which can damage pancreatic islet cells and cause diabetes.
In fact, there may be other factors besides this. A private pediatric practice in Portland, Oregon, conducted a decade-spanning retrospective pediatric clinical analysis focusing on the long-term health status of multiple vaccine recipients.
They reviewed all medical records for children born between June 1, 2008 and January 27, 2019. The average numbers of medical office visits were compared between the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups. Among all the children, 2,763 had received 1 to 40 vaccines, and 561 didn’t receive any vaccine.

The study found significant differences in the numbers of medical office visits for asthma, allergic rhinitis, respiratory infection, and anemia over a decade between the two groups of children.
Of particular note, all 561 of the unvaccinated patients in the study did not have ADHD, while 5.3 percent of the vaccinated children had ADHD.

From this study, we can indeed observe that vaccinated children are more prone to immune disorders such as chronic inflammation, allergies, and even autoimmune disorders.
1 Common Food is Effective for Diabetes Prevention
Based on the current basic and clinical evidence, children with a family history of diabetes and adult diabetics should really calculate their risks associated with vaccination. If they have already received the COVID-19 vaccines, it is important to minimize the damage caused by them. So what can be done to prevent the possible risks?- Type 1 diabetics have a primary lack of insulin and require insulin injections.
- Type 2 diabetes are mainly treated with oral hypoglycemic drugs, but it may also require insulin supplementation depending on the situation.
Therefore, our recommended foods include ginseng, bitter gourd, and berberine. These bitter-tasting foods can be consumed more often, and there is a scientific reason behind it.

Bitter Melon Improves Insulin Function
Bitter melon is a medicinal plant of the gourd family. Scientists have found that its many components, including saponins, polysaccharides, triterpenoids, proteins, vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, and steroids, all have health benefits for the human body.
Scientists have also specifically studied the hypoglycemic effects of various bitter melon concentrates:
Bitter melon can also enhance cellular sensitivity to insulin and reduce metabolic syndrome.
- promotes the secretion of insulin
- improves insulin resistance
- protects pancreatic cells
- promotes the metabolism of glucose and fatty acids, stimulates fatty acids, and reduces metabolic syndrome
- is anti-inflammatory
- is antioxidant

Although bitter melon is not as effective as glibenclamide in lowering blood sugar, it can be more effective in improving cardiovascular risk factors associated with diabetes. Triglyceride and total cholesterol levels were significantly lower in people who received bitter melon doses, whereas blood lipids rose in those who took glibenclamide instead.

Diabetes is not simply a blood sugar symptom, but essentially a metabolic disorder. The nutrients in bitter melon can act on multiple levels, as they not only focus on lowering blood sugar, but can also lower blood lipids and help with weight loss. If the entire body’s internal environment is adjusted, and the state of metabolic syndrome is reversed, blood sugar will naturally slowly drop, which is the treatment of the fundamental cause of the disease rather than simply managing symptoms.
Oral hypoglycemic drugs may have a better effect on lowering blood sugar, but they cannot solve the root cause of the disease.
The treatment of the disease should also focus on the big picture, in order to solve the root cause of the disease.