“The theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property,” Marx and Engels, the founders of the communist doctrine, wrote in The Communist Manifesto, a book that forms the basis for communism.
Abolishing private property can only be possible through a war, Kengor said, because private property is “a basic Judeo-Christian law, natural rights, biblical rights: thou shalt not steal. I mean from the cave to the courthouse the right to own property is fundamental to human nature let alone any operating economy anywhere.”
“To abolish private property you’re going to have a war on your hands, you’re going to need guns, you’re going to need gulags,” Kengor said on Epoch Times’ Crossroads program. Therefore communists killed 100 million people to abolish private property, he added.
WEF Predicts Abolition of Private Property in 2030

“Everything you considered a product, has now become a service,” Auken continued.
“Once in awhile [sic], I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy. No [sic] where I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded. I just hope that nobody will use it against me,” Auken said but added, “All in all, it is a good life.”
Karl Marx and the Devil

The Communist Manifesto also demands the abolition of all religions, all morality, and the abolition of the family, Kengor said.
Marx and Engels call in the Manifesto for ”Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists.”
“On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie. … [But the family is practically absent] among the proletarians, and in public prostitution,” Marx and Engels explained in the Manifesto.
Kengor believes that this strophe ”is partly autobiographical because his soul was once true to God.”
Kengor commented on the last verse, “what more was communism but kind of a dance of death. I mean you can’t find any ideology in all of history that was responsible for as many deaths as communism: at least 100 million in the last century alone.”
Advice to Communism Supporters

Communism has been so redefined today to look like socialism or democratic socialism, but “according to Marx and Engels, socialism was the final transitionary step to communism,” Kengor explained.
Communists and socialists say all the time that “communism is a pretty good idea if you just read the book. It hasn’t been applied correctly yet,” Kengor said.
He advised reading a 10-point plan laid out by Marx and Engels in the Communist Manifesto which not only calls for the abolition of private property but also for the abolition of the right of inheritance and more equal distribution of population across the countryside. This means that communists seek not only redistribution of people’s money and property but also the forcible relocation of people, Kengor continued.
To understand why communism is an “utterly destructive ideology that doesn’t work“ people need to read books about it including The Communist Manifesto, Kengor said.
There are many advocating communism and socialism. Therefore Kengor wrote the book “The Devil and Karl Marx” to help people understand “how incendiary destructive and in some cases diabolical“ communism is.