Joe and Jill Biden Send Christmas Day Message

Joe and Jill Biden Send Christmas Day Message
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and his wife Jill Biden embrace as they speak from Brandywine High School, where she taught English from 1991 to 1993, during the virtual 2020 Democratic National Convention as participants from across the country are hosted over video links from the originally planned site of the convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Aug. 18, 2020. (2020 Democratic National Convention/Pool via Reuters)
Masooma Haq

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and his wife Jill Biden delivered a Christmas Day message wishing the nation peace and health, thanking front-line workers and military personal for their service, and asking citizens to continue to avoid large gatherings and to help others.

“Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Jill and I wish you and your family peace, joy, health, and happiness this season. But we know for so many of you in our nation, this has been a very difficult year,” said Joe Biden.

The former vice president called for empathy for those who have lost loved ones this year or their jobs due to the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic.

“And we’re reminded in this season of hope, our common humanity, and what we’re called to do for one another,“ said Joe Biden. ”Many of our fellow Americans are struggling to find work, literally put food on the table, pay their rent or their mortgage, reminded we’re on this earth to care for one another, to give what we can, and to be a source of help and hope to friend and stranger alike.”

According to NPR, in one estimate by Northwestern University, food insecurity more than doubled over last year due to the economic crisis brought on by lockdowns issued by state governors in response to the pandemic, affecting as many as 23 percent of households earlier in 2020. In addition, December data showed that the number of American workers seeking state unemployment benefits jumped to 853,000, showing the third straight weekly increase.

“Many families are facing their first Christmas, having lost a loved one in the job, and I know that sorrow. And we know how in times of grief, a kind word can mean so much,” said Jill Biden.

According to the Center for Disease Control’s data, 325,096 people have died from the CCP virus this year.

“This is also a season of gratitude,“ she added. ”And we’re so thankful for the frontline and essential workers who have put themselves at risk for all of us. And for the scientists and researchers who have worked to deliver vaccines that are an incredible scientific breakthrough.”

Jill Biden was referring to the vaccine recently made available thanks to the Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed. The federal undertaking enabled a safe and effective vaccine to have been made available this year, with many millions of the most vulnerable Americans, including front-line workers, already being vaccinated.

Jill Biden was a strong advocate for military families during her husband’s tenure as vice president and thanked the servicemen and women in the U.S. military for their service.

“We’re thinking of our service members, who are far from home and the loved ones who missed them. Our family knows your sacrifice in our hearts are with you,” she said.

“For the Bidens, we usually have 20 to 25 people over Christmas Eve for dinner, but not this year. We‘ll we’re gonna miss our family. But it’s what we need to do to keep our family safe. We hope you’ll consider limiting travel in the size of family gatherings as well this year,” Joe Biden said.

The Bidens encouraged Americans to stay hopeful even with the restrictions placed on them.

“Even as our celebrations are dimmed, we know that this won’t be forever and brighter days are coming soon. On this holy day, we remember that love and joy can be shared across the farthest distances we celebrate apart, but not alone. And look forward to next year when we can come together with a renewed appreciation for the people and the traditions we love,” said Jill Biden.

Masooma Haq began reporting for The Epoch Times from Pakistan in 2008. She currently covers a variety of topics including U.S. government, culture, and entertainment.
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