Masooma Haq

Masooma Haq

Masooma Haq began reporting for The Epoch Times from Pakistan in 2008. She currently covers a variety of topics including U.S. government, culture, and entertainment.


High School Outside Chicago Expands Segregated AP Classes

High School Outside Chicago Expands Segregated AP Classes

IN-DEPTH: Pro-Life Leaders Say Candidates Must Change Messaging to Win Elections

IN-DEPTH: Pro-Life Leaders Say Candidates Must Change Messaging to Win Elections

After Disappointing Election, Youngkin Addresses Bid for White House

After Disappointing Election, Youngkin Addresses Bid for White House

Youngkin Suffers Setback as Republicans Lose Virginia Legislature

Youngkin Suffers Setback as Republicans Lose Virginia Legislature

Virginians Head to Polls in Consequential Election

Virginians Head to Polls in Consequential Election