IN-DEPTH: ATF Agents Carrying Rifles Raid Oklahoma Gun Dealer’s Home, Confiscate Guns

“They said, ‘Tell all your FFL friends we’re coming for them next,’” Russell Fincher said.
IN-DEPTH: ATF Agents Carrying Rifles Raid Oklahoma Gun Dealer’s Home, Confiscate Guns
Russell Fincher stands on the porch of his home in Tuskahoma, Okla., on Sept. 1, 2023. Mr. Fincher claims armed ATF agents raided his home and forced him to relinquish his Federal Firearms License and confiscated 50 of his legally-owned firearms. Michael Clements/The Epoch Times
Michael Clements

TUSKAHOMA, Okla.—As agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) left Russell Fincher’s house with 50 legally-owned firearms and his freshly relinquished Federal Firearms License (FFL), they offered him a tip.

“They said, ‘Tell all your FFL friends we’re coming for them next,’” Mr. Fincher told The Epoch Times.

An ATF spokesman said he could not comment on the June 16, 2023, raid at Mr. Fincher’s home in Tuskahoma, Oklahoma.

“We are not allowed to comment pertaining to ongoing investigations. I can assure you once we can discuss the case, you will be notified,” Ashley N. Stephens, resident Agent in Charge of the ATF’s Tulsa Field Office, wrote in an email to The Epoch Times.

According to Second Amendment advocacy groups, the raid indicates a coordinated effort by President Joe Biden’s administration to throttle legal gun sales to advance a gun control agenda.

Oklahoma state Rep. J.J. Humphrey wants a probe into a June 16 ATF raid. He is shown at a political rally on the steps of the Oklahoma State Capitol in Oklahoma City on May 9, 2023. (Michael Clements/The Epoch Times)
Oklahoma state Rep. J.J. Humphrey wants a probe into a June 16 ATF raid. He is shown at a political rally on the steps of the Oklahoma State Capitol in Oklahoma City on May 9, 2023. Michael Clements/The Epoch Times

Oklahoma state Rep. J.J. Humphrey is incensed over the raid.

He wrote to Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt, Oklahoma Attorney General Gentner Drummond, and Pushmataha County Sheriff B.J. Hedgecock on Aug. 17, demanding an investigation.

Mr. Humphrey told The Epoch Times that there is a legal term for what the ATF did to get Mr. Fincher to give up his FFL.

“It’s called extortion. The mob does it, criminals do it, and when you have a badge, that makes it worse,” Mr. Humphrey said.

Mr. Stitt’s office did not respond to emails or telephone calls seeking comment.

Spokespersons for the attorney general and Mr. Hedgecock said they are looking into the matter.

Phil Bacharach, a spokesman for the attorney general, confirmed that Mr. Drummond had seen the letter.

“We have received Rep. Humphrey’s request and are reviewing it,” Mr. Bacharach wrote in an email to The Epoch Times.

Attorney General Reviewing Letter

Pushmataha County Undersheriff Dustin Bray said his office has the letter also. He said they plan to look into the matter further but have been focused on an Aug. 29 murder in Antlers, Oklahoma, Pushmataha’s county seat.

While it’s unusual for an agency to run such an operation without notifying local law enforcement, Mr. Bray said it does happen. He stressed that the ATF is under no legal obligation to tell anyone. He added that the sheriff’s office would have no official comment until it had more information.

“We actually didn’t have a clue that they were coming. We didn’t find out until everybody else did,” Mr. Bray told The Epoch Times. “We will try to get in contact with someone.”

The Fincher home is perched on the side of a hill in an unincorporated area of Pushmataha County. The sparsely populated county is popular with boaters and fishermen who ply the waters of Sardis Lake.

Fincher at Home in Tuskahoma

In the fall, the county and its Kiamichi Mountains are populated by hunters tramping the hills for white-tailed deer.

Mr. Fincher said Pushmataha County has been the perfect place to raise his family.

“We love it here,” he said, standing in front of his house on a late August afternoon.

Like many of his rural Oklahoma neighbors, part of his enjoyment of the outdoors involves firearms. In addition to traditional activities like hunting and target shooting, Mr. Fincher enjoys spending time with other firearms enthusiasts. So, he and his brother often attend gun shows in and around Oklahoma.

Contrary to what many believe, there is no “gun show loophole” allowing the sale of firearms by gun dealers with no background checks.

However, private transactions are and have always been legal regardless of when or where they occur. If each party in the transaction can legally own a gun, the sale or trade of legal firearms is allowed under the law.

Several years ago, Mr. Fincher legally traded a gun during a gun show. That transaction would return to haunt him, he said.

Russell Fincher stands in front of his house in Tuskahoma, Okla., on Sept. 1, 2023. (Michael Clements/The Epoch Times)
Russell Fincher stands in front of his house in Tuskahoma, Okla., on Sept. 1, 2023. Michael Clements/The Epoch Times

Mr. Fincher identifies himself as a Southern Baptist pastor, high school history teacher, youth sports coach, and small business owner who has always tried to be responsible. He said he is scrupulous when it comes to complying with the law.

“I don’t think I’ve had a speeding ticket in the past 20 or 25 years,” he said.

Still, as a regular gun show attendee, Mr. Fincher drew the attention of the ATF. He said the agency advised him to obtain an FFL based on how much he traded at the shows. So, in 2020, he became a licensed firearms dealer, believing it would help him avoid trouble.

While the new designation came with storage requirements and administrative responsibilities, Mr. Fincher also said there were some benefits. He was able to help friends and neighbors with their legal purchases. As an FFL holder, he could obtain some discounts and special pricing in addition to arranging for the shipment of his own gun purchases.

He said he never sold guns out of his home. His most common transactions were through online sales and arranging the transfer of firearms for people in his community.

“The only way I was really going to find an audience was through [online sales],” he said.

‘I Was Small Potatoes’

Mr. Fincher already had a small store to sell ammunition in the nearby town of Clayton. He briefly considered moving his gun business into the store. But that would require building renovation and more paperwork to transfer the FFL to the store’s address. Since he had no desire to be a full-time dealer, he decided to keep the gun business in his home.

“I was never a big dealer. Some dealers have hundreds of guns on their books, but I never had more than 90. I was small potatoes,” Mr. Fincher said. “There were a lot of shows when I made no money. You just did it because you liked the experience.”

He knew the importance of keeping accurate records and following the ATF rules. He said he had no concerns over his ATF paperwork, having done his best to follow all the rules. So, when he was contacted for a regular inspection in April 2023, he quickly agreed.

He said the two ATF agents were professional and polite. They looked over his gun safes and inspected his records, making a few notes. Not long after, he received a letter that found fault with some entries. Some were difficult to decipher, and a serial number for one pistol had not been recorded correctly.

ATF Adopts ‘Zero Tolerance’

The average person may consider these simple clerical errors. It is important to note that this inspection was performed under the ATF’s “zero tolerance” policy. Second Amendment proponents say the Biden administration is on a campaign to end the legal firearms trade in the United States.
Gun Owners of America (GOA) and the Gun Owners Foundation (GOF) claim in a lawsuit filed in July that the policy is to advance the Biden administration’s anti-Second Amendment agenda. The gun rights groups sued the ATF, the Department of Justice, and ATF Director Stephen Dettelbach over the policy (pdf).

GOA contends that on Jan. 28, 2022, the ATF issued a revised Administrative Action Policy (AAP) titled “Federal Firearms Administrative Policy and Procedures,” replacing a 2019 AAP.

GOA claims that the 2019 policy gave FFL holders some leeway for minor violations, but the January 2022 policy takes a more stringent approach.

“The 2019 AAP stated that ‘ATF may revoke a federal firearms license under appropriate circumstances,'“ the lawsuit states. ”The 2022 AAP states that ‘ATF will revoke a federal firearms license, absent extraordinary circumstances on initial violations.’”

GOA pointed out that in the past, the ATF looked for evidence of “willfulness” in violations by gun dealers. That has changed, the lawsuit states.

ATF Takes Harsher Stance

“The 2019 AAP stated that ... ‘[a] single, or even a few, inadvertent errors ... may not amount to ‘willful’ failures, even when the FFL knew of the legal requirement.’ The 2022 AAP eliminates this language, harshly warning that ‘ATF does not have to establish a history of prior violations,’” the lawsuit reads.

According to GOA, the ATF’s statistics from fiscal year 2022 show the agency’s hostility toward FFL holders.

ATF records show 3,806 violations reported in fiscal 2022 among firearm licensees, 606 warning letters issued, 131 warning conferences, and 93 revocations.

According to the ATF website, five FFL revocations occurred in 2021 between July and December. There were 51 revocations reported for the same period in 2022.
While the ATF agents that raided Mr. Fincher’s property didn’t specifically mention the previous inspection, Mr. Fincher said that in the weeks before the raid, the ATF was looking for a reason to pay him another visit.

Felon Asks For Gun

Just days before the armed agents showed up at his home, a man was in his ammo store acting “weird.” The man was not the usual rancher, outdoorsman, or hunter that normally patronized his business. Mr. Fincher didn’t know the man, sporting a prominent neck tattoo and appearing nervous.

“He said, ‘Man, I’m walking around naked out there.’ At first, I wasn’t sure what he meant,” Mr. Fincher said.

Then, the man asked if Mr. Fincher would sell him a gun.

“I told him I don’t sell guns from that store,” Mr. Fincher said.

The would-be customer pressed him, and Mr. Fincher agreed that he could sell him a gun. But he told him again that he didn’t run the gun business from the store. Then, the prospective customer announced that he was a felon. Mr. Fincher said that bit of information made his decision for him.

“I told him I would not sell him a gun because that’s illegal. I can’t sell guns to a convicted felon,” Mr. Fincher said.

The man with the neck tattoo bought a box of ammunition, which Mr. Fincher contends is not a crime, and left the store.

ATF Agents arrive on Russel Fincher's property in Tuskahoma, Okla., on June 16, 2023. (Courtesy of Russell Fincher)
ATF Agents arrive on Russel Fincher's property in Tuskahoma, Okla., on June 16, 2023. Courtesy of Russell Fincher

Federal law prohibits a felon from possessing ammunition but is silent on whether selling it is a crime. Only six states require background checks for ammunition sales, and Oklahoma is not one of them.

Mr. Fincher has not been charged with a crime at the time of this writing.

Mr. Fincher figured that refusing to sell the man a gun would end the matter. A few days later, the man with the neck tattoo called him.

“He asked, ‘Have you thought about that?’ And I said, ‘No, I’m not going to sell you a gun. You’re a felon,’” Mr. Fincher said.

Then came the morning of June 16, 2023.

ATF agents inventory firearms they confiscated from Russell Fincher of Tuskahoma, Okla., on June 16, 2023. (Courtesy of Russell Fincher)
ATF agents inventory firearms they confiscated from Russell Fincher of Tuskahoma, Okla., on June 16, 2023. Courtesy of Russell Fincher

That morning, Mr. Fincher’s 13-year-old son, Parker, was preparing to play video games in his room. His mother and sister were not home. His Dad was wrapping up preparations for them to go to a gun show in Tulsa that day. Then the telephone rang.

“It was a guy who wanted to know what time the store was going to be open. I told him we would not be open that day,” Mr. Fincher said.

He said the caller seemed a little confused, then said he would call back and hung up. About five minutes later, an ATF agent called and told Mr. Fincher not to leave because they needed to discuss the serial number issue found during the inspection. Mr. Fincher said he had no reason to expect trouble. He told the caller he would wait for him.

Within minutes, Mr. Fincher said he looked out his window and saw seven or eight vehicles coming up his driveway. They spread across his front yard, and men in tactical gear and carrying rifles got out and approached his house.

“I didn’t know what to think,” Mr. Fincher said.

These forms were brought by ATF agents when they raided Russell Fincher's property in Tuskahoma, Okla., on June 16, 2023. (Michael Clements/The Epoch Times)
These forms were brought by ATF agents when they raided Russell Fincher's property in Tuskahoma, Okla., on June 16, 2023. Michael Clements/The Epoch Times

He stepped out to talk with the agents, was placed in handcuffs, and led away from the house.

“They said, ‘You’re not being arrested, you’re being detained,’” Mr. Fincher said.

Parker heard the commotion and went out to see what was happening. He saw armed men leading his father away in handcuffs. Other armed men began asking him questions. A man who appeared to be in charge told the others not to handcuff the boy as they asked him about the location of guns and keys to the gun safes.

“It was scary,” the 13-year-old told The Epoch Times.

Eventually, Parker was taken to stand with his dad, who was still in handcuffs. Mr. Fincher said the agents were talking about prying the safes open. Mr. Fincher told them where the keys were to prevent damage to the lockers. At one point, one of the armed agents went to the agent in charge of the raid, Theodore Mongell, and told him it was safe to come to the house.

Russell Fincher stands in front of empty gun safes at his home in Tuskahoma, Okla., on Sept. 1, 2023. ATF agents confiscated his firearms during a June 16 raid. (Michael Clements/The Epoch Times)
Russell Fincher stands in front of empty gun safes at his home in Tuskahoma, Okla., on Sept. 1, 2023. ATF agents confiscated his firearms during a June 16 raid. Michael Clements/The Epoch Times

Mr. Fincher was incredulous. He asked Mr. Mongell why the show of force was necessary.

“I told him, ‘I’ve got nothing [violent] in my history. I don’t know what you were expecting, a shootout?’” Mr. Fincher said.

Mr. Mongell replied that they didn’t know what to expect. Mr. Fincher said the ATF agent told him, “There could have been 20 people with guns in there.”

The agents asked him about the gun he had traded years before, a trade that Mr. Fincher said he barely remembers.

The gun had turned up at a crime scene in California years after he had traded it at that gun show in Oklahoma. The ATF traced the gun back to him because he was the original purchaser. Mr. Fincher said the agents badgered him about the gun show trade, which was completely legal.

He said they repeatedly accused him of providing guns to “criminals” and “gangbangers.”

A potential buyer handles a gun that is displayed on an exhibitor's table during the Nation's Gun Show at Dulles Expo Center in Chantilly, Va., on Nov. 18, 2016. (Alex Wong/Getty Images)
A potential buyer handles a gun that is displayed on an exhibitor's table during the Nation's Gun Show at Dulles Expo Center in Chantilly, Va., on Nov. 18, 2016. Alex Wong/Getty Images

“They said, ‘You sold this gun to a criminal.’ I told them that gun could have changed hands several times before it got to California, but they kept saying that. I asked them, ‘Do you have a criminal telling you that Russell Fincher sold me a gun?’” Mr. Fincher said.

The agents questioned him about the administrative errors and the serial number issue. He said they accused him of violating the law by selling a box of ammunition to the man with the neck tattoo, whom they admitted was working for the ATF.

Under pressure, Mr. Fincher said he asked the agents what he needed to do to make things right. When he mentioned relinquishing his FFL, he was surprised to see that they had come prepared. The agents produced previously prepared forms and showed him where to sign.

“They even brought three copies in case I messed one up,” Mr. Fincher said.

The ATF agents confiscated most of his stock and a few of his personal firearms. They recently sent him forms offering to pay $10 for each of the 50 guns they took. Based on a list provided by Mr. Fincher, the least expensive item is worth several hundred dollars.

‘That Really Scares Me’

Mr. Humphrey said that in his 30-plus years in law enforcement, he has never seen anything like the raid on Mr. Fincher’s property. He wants a thorough investigation into any possible violations of Mr. Fincher’s civil rights.

“I would like to look at the legality of that warrant. How could they raid this guy’s house like he’s a super-criminal?” Mr. Humphrey said.

Mr. Fincher said the raid had left him shaken and somewhat jaded. He now lives with the threat of unspecified federal charges being filed against him at any time.

“I’ve never been a conspiracy person. I’ve never thought about my federal government attacking me. There’s no one holding the ATF accountable,” Mr. Fincher said.

“That really scares me.”

Michael Clements
Michael Clements
Michael Clements is an award-winning Epoch Times reporter covering the Second Amendment and individual rights. Mr. Clements has 30 years of experience in media and has worked for outlets including The Monroe Journal, The Panama City News Herald, The Alexander City Outlook, The Galveston County Daily News, The Texas City Sun, The Daily Court Review,
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