Dave Rubin: ‘We Got a Country to Save’

Dave Rubin: ‘We Got a Country to Save’
Dave Rubin in an interview with EpochTV's "CrossRoads" premiered on August 11, 2021. (Screenshot via The Epoch Times)
Harry Lee
Joshua Philipp

The American Experiment has possibly come to an end, and “we got a country to save,” said Dave Rubin, a media personality and host of The Rubin Report.

“Right now, we have a country to save. It sounds cliche, right?” Rubin told EpochTV’s “CrossRoads” in a recent interview. “I mean, it sounds like a political candidate ‘we got a country to save,’ but it really is the truth that we’re possibly at the end of the American Experiment right now.”

Rubin said that’s because for the past 250 years, though different political parties had different visions for America, basically, they all believed America was good.

“But right now, we have half of the political dialect that basically doesn’t think America is good … that basically wants to erase America’s history. That is a huge problem,” Rubin said, referring to the “woke” ideology that has been spreading across America.

“Woke” is sometimes used interchangeably with Critical Race Theory (CRT), which is one of the more prominent ideologies that operate within this framework.

Last month, Rubin told The Epoch Times that not too long ago he believed in the left’s idea that there was systemic racism in the United States. However, he later woke up to the left’s narrow-mindedness and left the “woke left.”

“At this point, I want to defend the constitution, the rule of law, individual rights, the notion that the founding of America was good. These are all good things,” Rubin said.

Rubin pointed out that what the progressives have wrought on America is basically Marxist.

“And I really mean they are Marxists, by their economics, right? They want the government to run everything,” Rubin said. “They’re Marxist or communist, or they’re socialists, depending on how they’re going to fully take over. They’re socialists today. They'll be communists tomorrow.”

“And then on top, you throw in the Cultural Marxism, which is that there will be an endless obsession with race. And they will then put racism into the system, which is exactly what they’re doing right now,” Rubin continued.

The “woke” ideology, or CRT, is a set of quasi-Marxist theories that divide society into “oppressors” and the “oppressed,” based on characteristics such as race, sex, class, or sexual proclivities.

Freedom is the right way for America, Rubin stated.

“Do you believe that for some reason, humans who are imperfect beings can create this perfect system that will live above us, know what’s good for us, when it’s good for us, it will dole out the right amount to the right people, so it says these people should get these things? Or do you think that freedom and the opportunity that it brings to live your life as you see fit, understanding that you will make mistakes, understanding that it will be a little bit messy, understanding that your neighbor is going to be a little bit different than you, and all of those things, but that the net of that will be a much better human experience?”

“It’s very crystal clear to me that that is the right way for America. That is America’s future,” Rubin said.

Petr Svab contributed to this report.