As long as China is ruled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), it will wage full-scale constant war against the United States, according to a cyber security expert.
“This is a full scale-war that’s going on by the Chinese Communist Party, with the help and support of the Russians, the Iranians, North Koreans, Pakistan, and the Taliban,” Fleming added.
He referred to the battle as “unrestricted warfare,” in which “our adversaries are using combinations of military and civil power to expand the competitive space.”
“War is not just peace or war. It’s binary on or it’s off, the way that our Pentagon has seen it in the past. So our adversaries view war on a continuum, and they’re fighting everything short of war,” he said.

“International competitors have engaged in election meddling, stolen intellectual property through cyber means, probed networks and critical infrastructure through cyberspace and, most recently, engaged in provocative forms of surveillance with platforms such as high-altitude balloons,” the DOD report stated.
Fleming echoed the view presented by the document, singling out green lasers over Hawaii that allegedly stem from China.
“So we have to wake up to the fact that sending laser beams is not to track pollutants over Hawaii. Why are they concerned with pollutants over Hawaii, and instead of their own country, or other areas as well ... These are threats by the Chinese Communist Party to weaken our sovereign country and our sovereign state,” he said.
Fleming further cited aspects of the CCP’s unrestricted warfare waged to weaken and subvert America, including but not limited to, fentanyl, Tiktok, and the theft of intellectual property to the detriment of U.S. economic investment.
Paradigm Shift

Fleming called the recent report critical as it manifests “a seminal paradigm shift in the way that the Pentagon sees war, and that at the frontlines of this war is actually our companies, our economy, and our civilians.”
“And now this is a wake up call by our Pentagon that says they realize it now—that our enemy is trying to win a war without even fighting by attacking our civilians, our citizens, and attacking our economy,” he said.
Offensive Position
He pointed to Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley’s assertion that for the United State to beat back an enemy in such an unconventional war, “more of the same is not enough.”Fleming urged the United States to apply the same combined approach of military and civil power against the Chinese regime.
“We have to do the same thing in responding not just to defend ourselves, but we need to be attacking them as well in an offensive position,” he said.
“This whole thing about economic statecraft and emerging statecraft with economic theft and an economic challenge, we have to have a whole nation response and reply with that offensively,” he added.
“You’re going to see more of a whole nation’s response to a whole nation’s attack against us. So you’re going to see that the military is going to be aligning much more with the private sector,” he noted.
To that end, he called for a complete decoupling with China.
“We need to be decoupling, we need to stop investment in China. Whether it’s financial plants, technology, any of that type of stuff; we need to stop investing in China, we need to absolutely shut down leading edge technology sales or collaboration with China, whether it’s in our universities, whether it’s Silicon Valley, AI, quantum computing, and so on,” Fleming said.
“Let me just ask the question, ‘Would you really want to be giving technology to Nazi Germany, a year or two before World War Two breaks out?’”