Dear Dave,
I’m coming up on a transition phase in my life. I’ll be leaving the military soon, and I’ve been evaluating my living situation once I am out. My parents said I could live with them for a while, but I am not sure that would work out well. I have done some research on renting versus buying a home, but I understand that you hate VA loans. Can you clarify as to why you feel this way and give some advice for a person in my situation?
Dear Tyler,
When you buy a house, and you’ve got no money in the bank, that house is going to be a curse instead of a blessing. What happens if you buy a home this way, and the air conditioner goes out next week? What happens if your car needs a new transmission next month? Most people who find themselves in situations like this start piling on debt to fix things, and that’s not a wise answer.
My advice is to rent a decent, affordable place for a while and concentrate on getting your new life and career off the ground while saving some money. You might even consider a roommate situation for a while to help cut costs. But you don’t need to be buying a home right now.
Good luck and God bless, Tyler. And thank you for your service to our country!