If you’re white, go to the back of the bus.
Is that legal? Who’s asking?
Meanwhile, Eric Adams, the newly elected mayor of New York, has been on a tear.
That’s approximately 800,000 new (Democratic) voters added to the rolls.
But again, who’s asking? And more to the point, who is going to stop Adams?
Sure, there are objections. But they look like so many Mexican jumping beans. Frenetic, but impotent.
I suspect that we are going to see a lot of that with Eric Adams.
Nepotism, I know, has a long and storied heritage.
John F. Kennedy appointed his brother to be Attorney General of the United States.
When Eric Adams was running for office, there was hope that he would put the malignant racialist rhetoric of de Blasio administration behind him.
Pragmatism, we were told, was his watchword.
But now we find out that he has appointed his brother to this senior position because he is worried about “white supremacy and hate crimes.”
That is as preposterous as it is pathetic.
But it is all part of the way we live now.
Forget about white supremacy. It will be good to have someone reliable in a senior position of the NYPD since there are certain to be a lot of criminals prowling the streets.
Moreover, he does not intend to prosecute many crimes at all.
In memo released shortly after his election, Bragg said that his office will “not seek a carceral sentence” except in cases of homicide, domestic violence felonies, some sex crimes, and public corruption.
Armed robbery? Well, let’s not overreact.
“Armed robbers who use guns or other deadly weapons to stick up stores and other businesses,” we learn, “will be prosecuted only for petty larceny, a misdemeanor, provided no victims were seriously injured and there’s no ‘genuine risk of physical harm’ to anyone.”
That was the approach to policing that intervened to correct all manner of anti-social behavior through vigorous and vigilant policy.
It transformed New York from a crime ridden ghetto in which thugs defaced property with graffiti, mugged people, and burgled homes with virtual impunity.
Giuliani put a swift end to all that.
That whole ethic has been on the wane throughout the de Blasio years. Alvin Bragg just sounded its official death knell.
Under his tenure, “broken windows” policing will be measured by the many windows that are broken because the police are too hamstrung to stop the vandals.
Thank goodness we have the ivied groves of academia to remind us of higher things.
University of Pennsylvania’s Lia Thomas, a male pretending to be female, lost to Yale’s Iszac Henig, a female who is “transitioning” to male (but allowed to compete as a woman because she has not yet received testosterone treatments).
It’s incompatible with the way we live now, I know, but I wonder why, in the interests of comity and fairness, someone doesn’t suggest we expand athletic contests: one for males competing against males, one for females competing against females, and one for everyone else.
It might save bother, and it would go a long way towards saving women’s sports.