My husband Michael used to never get sick. He prided himself on it. For years, while his co-workers were periodically at home sick with a cold or the flu, he would never miss a single day of work.
Then we moved to Florida. He was exposed to a lot of molds and, perhaps more importantly, a lot of stress. He suddenly found himself getting recurrent sinus infections. His doctor thought sinus surgery was the answer, but alas, while they were fewer, the sinus infections continued. I could see it was not only a physical burden on him but a mental one as well.
When we moved back home to Virginia, I noticed that the sinus infections mostly subsided. There was less mold, but then again, there was much less stress. One day I pointed this out to him. He hadn’t really paid attention, but upon realizing he hadn’t had an infection in some time, he became determined to avoid anyone who was sick for fear of the sinus infections returning.
And I then began to notice a new pattern with him. If our young son picked up even the sniffles at school, and my husband knew about it, he would immediately get sick himself. It surprised me at just how quickly it would happen. However, if I didn’t mention my son’s sniffles, or that my son seemed to be getting sick, my husband would be fine.
Our Perceptions Matter
The mind is very powerful.This fact is something that drug companies know all too well. If pharmaceutical companies could bottle and sell the placebo effect, they would be many times wealthier than they already are. A placebo, commonly known as a sugar pill, is what a new drug coming to market must be measured against to determine which works better, the drug or the mind, by way of a placebo. And, more often than these companies would like, the placebo wins out, sometimes by a huge margin. Simply by virtue of a person perceiving that they are taking a drug, the intended benefit can be created in the body.
A study of 5,888 Americans over the age of 65 by researchers at Johns Hopkins University found that a poor image of one’s health roughly doubled the risk of death within five years. This held regardless of other risk factors.
“In fact, a pessimistic outlook proved to be deadlier than congestive heart failure or smoking 50 or more packs of cigarettes every year,” noted a Health Day article on the study.
My husband was under a lot of stress when his sinus infections first began. With increasing anxiety, his mind had difficulty managing it all, and he began developing sinus infections. Of course, it’s well-recognized that stress decreases immunity. In time, when various treatments didn’t give the desired results, my husband grew to believe that he would continue to get sick, especially if he was around anyone who was sick. His perceptions had changed over time.
![Michael Denning. (Photo courtesy of Dr. Denning)](/_next/image?
Gunnar Engstrom, MD, a professor at Lund University in Sweden, who has extensively studied self-ratings of health, told Health Day that a positive attitude about health can ward off mental distress and improve protection against many diseases.
The Influence of Positive Thoughts
When we’re stressed or have a lot of negative thoughts, it manifests physically, with things such as increased heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, and elevated cortisol (also known as “the stress hormone”).Conversely, when we have more positive thoughts, it also manifests physically, but in a desirable way. We see lowered blood pressure, lowered respiratory and heart rates, as well as a release of things like endorphins, enkephalins, serotonin, and dopamine. These chemicals help reduce our pain, increase our mood, and bring a sense of calm.
But being positive doesn’t mean believing you will never experience difficulties. Bad things happen and we will inevitably be hurt by others. But optimists are more likely to learn from these situations and see them realistically.
More Kindness, Better Health
Kindness also matters, and for more reasons than we may realize.A 2014 study published in the journal Circ: Heart Failure, noted that “Studies have identified potent psychosocial risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Besides pessimism, these include depression, anxiety, chronic stress, social isolation, and a low sense of life purpose.” In other words, attitude has a major impact on the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
A positive attitude and a kind heart are the two biggest commonalities that I’ve observed over the years in those who are aging well.
Health Care Reimagined
It seems our perception regarding our state of health can impact a number of both acute and chronic conditions. But as physicians, are we emphasizing this enough with our patients?I once knew a colleague who wrote some rather unorthodox prescriptions for his patients. They would leave his office with prescriptions saying things like, “watch two happy movies a week,” “laugh ten times a day,” or “do at least one kind thing for someone every day.” Patients would report back to him, and he said based on his years of experience, it made a significant difference in his patients’ physical and mental health. While behavior change is important, he recognized that it all begins with the mind.
Crum agrees
“It’s time that we start taking the role of mindsets in health more seriously,” Crum told Stanford Business.
Choosing Our Thoughts
The great thing about our thoughts is we don’t have to believe everything we think.My husband believed that he would get sick if he was around someone sick. If he had not accepted this thought, and instead, replaced it with one about being healthy, he likely would have had different results.
We have countless opportunities to check our thoughts each day, and each time we do, we can make a choice about that thought.
In his book, ‘You Are The Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter’ Dr. Joe Dispenza writes “95 percent of who you are by the time you are 35 years old is a set of memorized behaviors, skills, emotional reactions, beliefs, perceptions and attitudes which function like a subconscious automatic computer.”
That’s a powerful set of mental habits to overcome, but it can be done.
Knowing how important our thoughts are to our mental and physical health empowers us, and can motivate us to train ourselves to think differently.
Fortunately for all of us, positive attitudes and habits can be cultivated, giving us another way to improve our health and wellbeing.
As you go about your day, periodically pause to evaluate your thoughts. When challenges come, instead of listening to any negative thoughts, reframe them and put a positive spin on things. Accepting that change is a part of life and flowing with what life brings, including challenges, also helps. It’s really about resilience.
A wealth of research has brought the importance of resilience into greater focus. Resilient people face life’s challenges honestly, without trying to escape or deny the suffering involved. This helps them better retain that sense of positivity that many of us lose in the face of difficulty.
About four years ago my husband stopped getting sick all the time. What changed? Well, one day, when he found himself getting sick, he decided to try a concoction that he’d read about, one made of crushed garlic clove juice, raw apple cider vinegar, and raw honey. And it worked. He decided to take it daily as a means of prevention. Since then, he’s only gotten sick once or twice. The change has been amazing. He firmly believes in this recipe, and if he misses it, he’ll occasionally feel he’s catching something. But he’ll double up on his next dose, and voila’—illness avoided. I’d like to think he’s also learned to watch his thoughts a bit more. Placebo? Positive thoughts? An effective home remedy? Perhaps a bit of each.
Several years ago, as I was stepping out of my car one afternoon, I found this discarded fortune lying on the ground at my feet. It’s a little tattered and worn, but I keep it on the board above my desk as a reminder:
It’s important to remember we don’t have to be a slave to every thought that comes our way. With time, practice, and vigilance, we can learn to tap into one of the most powerful, and completely free, health resources we have—Our mind.