The so-called Equality Act that the House passed (with all Democrats and eight Republicans voting for it) elicited some alternative, mock titles that are at least more accurate.
State Control and Suppression of Civil Society
As theologian Robert Gagnon puts it, “It will affect every aspect of human existence from cradle to grave, from use of one’s talents and skills to mandated speech, from home to public venues, from school to employment, from day-care centers to hospitals and nursing homes, from all sources of entertainment to all news outlets, from religious institutions to para-church organizations and even places of worship.”This all may sound exaggerated. But it reflects a profound change in the power of the state and its relations with the rest of society. It extends specially protected status in federal law (especially the 1964 Civil Rights Act) from categories of race, sex, and disability to sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI). It changes everything because it makes rights and enforcement of rights by the state on the rest of society contingent upon feelings and desires.
Even the highly changeable feelings of children and adolescents must take precedence over parental rights and the professional judgment of physicians and psychotherapists.
There has been an accelerating pace of change in which parents and professionals, business owners, shelters, schools, and recreation and sporting events must adopt the new orthodoxy, accepting without question and without any objective or scientific basis, the assertion of those of one biological sex of a claim to belong to or identify with another. This has been happening in many U.S. states and localities, as well as in Canada.
The Equality Act aims to impose a large array of prohibitions and requirements, nearly all unthinkable just a few years ago, across the whole nation. Men who claim a female “gender identity,” with or without any prior “sex reassignment” surgery or hormone treatment, will have access to “every woman’s restroom, locker room, and dressing room in the nation” (in the bill’s language). This includes women’s shelters, prisons, and sports.
The bill requires schools to instruct (some would say indoctrinate) students in SOGI beliefs and practices from an early age, without parental notification. There will be mandatory speech laws with fines for “misgendering”—using pronouns appropriate to the person’s biological sex but not to his or her “gender identity”—applied to all schools, businesses, and health care facilities. Small business owners, such as cake artists (remember Jack Phillips in Colorado), wedding photographers, and so on will face severe penalties if they refuse to allow their talents to be used to promote or celebrate practices that they regard as immoral. And on and on.
Newspeak and the Denial of Reality
Orwell coined the term Newspeak in “Nineteen Eighty-Four” to denote the language created by the ruling Party as part of its system of totalitarian control over all aspects of people’s lives. The language has a vocabulary that is continually reduced to control freedom of thought and prevent heterodox thinking as “thoughtcrime.”As the novel explains, “The greatest difficulty facing the compilers of the Newspeak Dictionary was not to invent new words, but, having invented them, to make sure what they meant: to make sure, that is to say, what ranges of words they canceled by their existence.”
This is a peculiar aspect of SOGI ideology. Sometimes, sex is described as innate and immutable, while gender is fluid and something one can choose. Other times, it is the reverse. Sometimes gender is a social construct, others sex itself. In the latter case, sex is not something that can be discovered in the womb by ultrasound, but is “assigned at birth.” I have not been able to discover if the same is true of other mammals or how this affects the use of medical treatments that are specific to what used to be called biological males or females.
One attempt to indoctrinate young children in the trans ideology, a teaching resource called the “Gingerbread Person,” went through several iterations in quick succession in response to criticisms from trans activists, and was superseded by another, the “Gingerbread Unicorn.” The terminology and images of one version of trans ideology praised by gender activists one day are denounced the next as transphobic and unacceptable.
“At the heart of the transgender moment are radical ideas about the human person—in particular, that people are what they claim to be, regardless of contrary evidence. A transgender boy is a boy, not merely a girl who identifies as a boy.
The more tortuously absurd the positions that activists seek to advance as the new orthodoxy, the more insistent the demands become for courts and policymakers to bring the full power of the state to bear on heretics.
The Equality Act has nothing to do with science or equality. Its fundamental purpose is to suppress dissent and reasoned discussion while enforcing an incoherent and nonsensical orthodoxy—an Orwellian world where the official line is 2+2=5. Everyone knows at some level that it is nonsense, but no one dares challenge it. The greater the absurdity, as Orwell saw, the greater the level of coercion required to enforce it and to disable the ability to think otherwise.