
Spike protein

Spike Protein Exposure and Clotting Pathologies Explained: Dr. Jordan Vaughn

Spike Protein Exposure and Clotting Pathologies Explained: Dr. Jordan Vaughn

Dr. Michael Nehls: How Changes in Our Brain Make Us More Susceptible to Indoctrination

Dr. Michael Nehls: How Changes in Our Brain Make Us More Susceptible to Indoctrination

How Do mRNA COVID Vaccines Hijack the Workings of Our Cells? The Critical Error in COVID-Vax Distribution

How Do mRNA COVID Vaccines Hijack the Workings of Our Cells? The Critical Error in COVID-Vax Distribution

Bombshell Study on Vaccine ‘Ribosomal Frameshifting’: Dr. Paul Marik | ATL:NOW

Bombshell Study on Vaccine ‘Ribosomal Frameshifting’: Dr. Paul Marik | ATL:NOW

Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Makes ‘Aberrant Proteins,’ Experts Concerned About Autoimmunity Events

Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Makes ‘Aberrant Proteins,’ Experts Concerned About Autoimmunity Events