Our ability to see, hear, touch, taste, and smell gives us five different ways to experience the world. But we prioritize some senses over others.
For most of us, sight is primary, then comes hearing. Smell is usually at the bottom of the list.
Perhaps it’s because smell plays a rather minor role in modern life. Unlike our ancestors, few of us would be able to identify or interpret the subtle scents found in the wild.
“We used it to find food, find our way home, avoid predators (think how stinky lions are in the zoo, yikes), to know when another human was a threat (fear releases a certain scent) or how to find a mate so that our combined genes had the best chance of survival,” Gardner said. “[Now] perfumes and aftershave cover up natural odors, so selecting a mate that way is tricky.”
Customers exposed to a company scent have been shown to significantly increase their shopping time.
Smell Loss
COVID-19 isn’t the only ailment that leads to smell loss (also known as anosmia). A 2017 study from the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society found that a lack of smell ability in older adults of normal cognition consistently identified those who would suffer from Alzheimer’s disease later in life. Researchers are now developing a cheap and reliable diagnostic smell test (the target scent is peanut butter) to identify an early onset of the disease.Smell loss is also associated with Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis, suggesting a serious link between our smell ability and brain function. For COVID-19, however, loss of smell appears to be a rather minor symptom.
Researchers identified certain cell types in the upper nasal cavity that are most vulnerable to infection by SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The sensory neurons that detect and transmit the sense of smell to the brain aren’t among the vulnerable cell types, but they do depend on the vulnerable cells to work.
According to Sandeep Robert Datta, a neurobiology professor at Harvard Medical School, this means that the damage that COVID-induced anosmia has on our body is minimal.
“I think it’s good news, because once the infection clears, olfactory neurons don’t appear to need to be replaced or rebuilt from scratch,” Datta said in a statement.
Thankfully, anosmia is the only symptom of this notorious contagion that many ever experience. For most, smell usually returns in a few weeks. However, a few lose their sense long-term.
Known as parosmia, smell distortion can make lemons smell like rotting cabbage, or chocolate smell like gasoline.
When Florida resident Beth Reider, 65, caught COVID-19 in June 2020, she experienced all of the above. First, her sense disappeared. Then, she would smell phantom smoke. And finally, things began smelling really off. Reider’s sense of taste also became distorted, but she says smells were a bigger bother.
After a month, Reider’s sense was mostly back to normal. But she says, even today, two of her favorite foods, peppers and lettuce, still reek.
Smell Training
If you develop a smell disorder, don’t fret. There are things you can do to turn it around. Reider says she got some relief using a popular home remedy from Ayurvedic medicine: placing drops of warm castor oil in her nostrils.Professor Carl Philpott from UEA’s medical school explains that the training involves smelling at least four different odors twice a day every day for several months. He says it’s a simple, side-effect-free treatment option for various causes of smell loss.
In the study, participants with post-viral smell disorders were given smell training kits—a collection of scents that included eucalyptus, lemon, rose, cinnamon, chocolate, coffee, lavender, honey, strawberry, and thyme. After six months of training, participants showed clinically significant recovery in smell function.
A Special Sense
You don’t have to lose your sense of smell to appreciate it. But it can help to consider what kind of information can be gleaned from this special sense.Smell gives color to our perception of taste. The tongue, of course, can sense flavors on its own. But if you’ve ever eaten anything during a sinus infection, you’ll recognize just how much scent brings to the table.
An even more profound feature of scent is how it can reach deep into our psyche. Sniff a crayon and you may suddenly be transported back to childhood. Or catch a whiff of a particular brand of laundry detergent and it could conjure a memory from more than 20 years ago.
People have noticed since ancient times that scent is tied to memory. Neuroscientists say it’s because the olfactory organs have a direct line to the limbic system, the part of the brain that processes emotion and memory. Smell is special because all the other senses must first be processed by the thalamus before the stimuli are sent to other parts of the brain for further interpretation.
These mechanics suggest that scent must be more than just a pleasure or a bother. We may no longer use it to find food or avoid predators, but Gardner says we still depend on this sense for healing and to keep us safe.