Senator Hirono Owes William Barr an Apology

Senator Hirono Owes William Barr an Apology
Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) speaks at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing in Washington on April 10, 2019. Alex Wroblewski/Getty Images
Elad Hakim

Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) is no stranger to controversy. That was on full display on May 1 when she shamelessly attacked and slandered Attorney General William Barr. The questioning was meant to be about Barr’s handling of special counsel Robert Mueller’s recently released report.

However, Hirono didn’t necessarily see it that way.

Rather than questioning Barr, she went on a personal tirade against the attorney general. In doing so, she appeared partisan and angry, placed her credibility in serious doubt, and came across as a bully who was less interested in answers and more interested in hearing her own voice or making some “Top 10” list on one or more of the liberal news outlets.

Regardless of why she acted in such a condescending manner, she owes Barr an apology.

Hirono’s behavior in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee on May 1 was disrespectful and disgraceful. When Hirono had the opportunity to question Barr, she immediately attacked him, stating:

“Mr. Barr, now the American people know that you are no different from Rudy Giuliani or Kellyanne Conway or any of the other people who sacrificed their once decent reputation for the grifter and liar who sits in the Oval Office.”

“You lied to Congress.”

“But now we know more about your deep involvement and trying to cover up for Donald Trump. Being attorney general of the United States is a sacred trust. You have betrayed that trust. America deserves better. You should resign.”

Hirono’s disrespectful “soliloquy” didn’t elicit any testimony and was merely an effort to slander a respectful and defenseless witness. Barr was not there to pick a fight or to criticize anyone. Rather, he had volunteered to answer the senators’ questions.

While most of the senators “played by the rules” (no matter how silly some of the questions were), Hirono chose to personally attack Barr while he was on the “witness stand.” Rather than respond to Hirono’s unprovoked attack, Barr remained respectful and answered her questions, which were very limited in number and substance.

This isn’t the first time that Hirono has made controversial remarks.

During Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation process, Hirono was very critical of how Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations against Kavanaugh had been handled. At the time, Hirono expected the men on the Senate Judiciary Committee to join the call for an FBI investigation. According to USA Today, Hirono blasted all men, stating: “Guess who’s perpetuating all of these kind of actions? It’s the men in this country. And I just want to say to the men in this country: ‘Just shut up and step up.’”

There is a major difference between being a zealous and tough advocate for a particular person or cause and being disrespectful and condescending. The former is respected, while the latter is normally frowned upon and viewed with a great deal of skepticism and distrust.

As a lawyer, Hirono should have known better than to engage in an improper smear campaign against Barr, by way of a seemingly pre-written “opening statement” of sorts. Fortunately, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) came to Barr’s defense, saying, “You have slandered this man from top to bottom. So if you want more of this, you’re not going to get it. If you want to ask him questions, you can.”

Graham was entirely right. Hirono’s remarks to and about Barr were grossly partisan, disrespectful, bully-like, and served no substantive purpose other than to publicly smear Barr. As such, Hirono owes Barr an apology, just like she owed the men of this country (including those on the committee) a sincere apology when she lumped them into one big pile and directed them all to “shut up,” without any reason or justification.

Rather than demanding Barr’s resignation, which is extremely unlikely, perhaps Hirono should start working on her apology to Barr, the entire Senate Judiciary Committee, and the American people.

Elad Hakim is a writer, commentator, and practicing attorney. His articles have been published in The Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, The Federalist, The Epoch Times, The Western Journal, American Thinker, and other online publications.
Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Elad Hakim
Elad Hakim
Mr. Hakim is a political commentator and writer who is fluent in both English and Hebrew. His articles have been published in The Federalist, The Western Journal, American Thinker, World Net Daily, Sun-Sentinel, The Epoch Times and other online publications.
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